
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Lesson we can Learn from Abraham

Verses: Romans 4 : 1 - 12

My thoughts about the verses:

Abraham is known as the father of many Religions.  People of multiple traditions think that their lineage goes back to Abraham.  There are many things that we can learn from Abraham.  The most important thing is that Faith is the only thing that saves us from our past deeds.

People were questioning the fact was Abraham forgiven before or after his circumcision.  The truth is that Abraham's Faith is what led to his salvation.  Not the  actual act of Circumcision.  The circumcision was an outward sign of his commitment to God.  He did this to show that he had put his trust in God.

Look at what Abraham did to show that he had faith in God.  The first thing that Abraham did was leave where he was to go to where God called him to go.  Here is the older man taking everything that he owned and his family and going out in the desert.  How many of us today would just walk away from everything because we feel led by God to go somewhere else?

Then God tells Abraham that he will be a father.  He and his wife Sarah are very old by this time. Well beyond the years in which they should be able to have children.  Look what happens he not only has one son but two.  Imagine how you would feel if God told you that you would have children when you knew deep in your heart it was too late.

Imagine having the son that God had promised you. You are asked to take him to the mount and offer him as a sacrifice.  You love your son, but you boldly go up the mount to offer up the sacrifice of the one you love.  Then what happens God stops you just as you are getting ready to offer the sacrifice.  God then provides a Ram to be sacrificed.  How would you feel?  We often say we would do anything even die for our family.  Imagine putting your child on the line.

See all these things were done by faith.  God was testing Abraham's faith.  It would take a strong person to be the leader of the greatest nation to come.  Think about it the very lineage of Jesus comes from this man.  Abraham therefor proved that his Faith was strong enough for an entire nation to be built upon his shoulders.

Abraham is a great example for us to follow.  He did not have Jesus right before him.  He only had the promises from God.  He had to depend on faith.  You have faith that goes beyond seeing but went straight to trusting.  When you trust God with all of your heart you are living like Abraham.  The things that you do like good deeds, and baptism are only outward signs of the faith that you have inside.  This is the hardest thing that we have to learn.  Even Abraham did not gain his salvation because what he did.  Rather he gained his salvation because he totally trusted God.


Thank you for loving us.  Thank you for the times that you test our faith.  We ask that we can learn from Abraham how to put faith before our own needs.  May we truly come to the understanding that you love us and that we do not need to do outward signs to gain our salvation. Dear God we thank you for being the ultimate Healer and Comforter.  May we learn to trust in you through all our trials.  In the Name of the Holiest of Holy we pray.  Amen


Has your faith been tested?  Have you given over everything to God?  Are you following the example of Abraham?  Are you afraid that you have to do something to win God's grace?  Are you willing to accept that the only thing need to have a relationship with God is faith?

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