
Friday, November 15, 2013

Difference between Adam and Jesus

Verses: Romans 5 : 12 - 21

My thoughts about the verses:

Let's think about this a second.  There is one of two things that came to your mind when you saw this picture.  One look at that terrible bug why take a picture when you can smash it so no one will get stung.  The second is how beautiful this bee is spreading pollen so that next year’s flowers will bloom.

See this is what happens when you compare Adam with Jesus.  Adam had a relationship with God but chose to sin which damaged the relationship.  He doomed himself for death because he did not obey God.  Jesus on the other hand brought everlasting life by dying.  Adam could have flourished with life in the garden in a perfect relationship with the Creator.  Jesus had to come to Earth so that humankind could gain back through his death the relationship that Adam had by being alive.

Adam had the perfect situation he was created in God's image.  He walked in the very presence of God every day.  That is until he chooses to disobey God.  This built the wall in his heart that separated him from God.  He no longer was a perfect creation.  He had brought his own death on by choosing to disobey.

Jesus on the other hand had a perfect walk with God from the beginning to the cross and even now.  Jesus had only one mission in his life and that was to restore the relationship that had been broken because of Adam's choice to disobey.  God could have said that we were not worth it and we could have gone without the relationship that had been created.  Yet, God desired the relationship with us so Jesus came to Earth to restore it.

Two men both had given an opportunity to walk with God throughout all eternity.  One chose to disobey God while the other chose to go to the Cross.  Both had choices because of their human nature.  Yet, one who started perfect brought upon him an everlasting death.  While the other chose to follow God through his death into everlasting life.


Dear God we thank you for loving us so much.  We thank you for sending Jesus so that we can have everlasting life.  We ask that you forgive us for the transgressions that we have done.  We ask that you listen to our pleas and forgive us so that we may have everlasting life.  Thank you for listening to our pleas and allowing us to have everlasting life by the simple act of having faith in Jesus.  In your name we pray.  Amen


Have you asked God to take away your sins?  Have you worked on building your relationship with God?  Are you willing to share your testimony with others?  What do you need to do today to help others find everlasting life?  Are you living your walk of faith?

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