
Monday, November 11, 2013

Salvation is through Faith alone

Verses: Romans 3 : 21 - 31

My thoughts about the verses:

People for centuries have tried to undo the wrong they have committed.  There is this philosophy that I can do something to get back to where I was before I committed sin.  We even want to see people pay for their crimes as a way of undoing the wrong that has happened.  The issue is that people have no way of rebuilding their relationship with God on their own.

The truth is that the only way to rebuild the relationship with God is to live by Faith.  Faith believes that God loved you so much that Jesus wasn't sent for you to live.  See it wouldn't have mattered if you were the only person that needed the cleansing Jesus would have died to take away your sins.  God is love and Faith is the return of Love to God.

It is very hard for us to admit that we cannot do anything to erase our sins.  We believe that we can do all sort of things and they are forgotten.  People fast, pray and so many other things in attempt to cleanse themselves.  Yet, it isn't their action that will clean their deeds.  The death of Christ provided the blood that was needed for us to go to Heaven.  So the only thing that you can do to rebuild your relationship with God is to depend on God.  Your must accept Jesus and the saving grace that comes from the power of the ultimate sacrifice.


Dear God thank you for giving us an opportunity to be with you.  Dear Savior we thank you for the sacrifice that you gave on the cross.  Thank you for loving us enough that you perished for our sins.  We know that you would have undergone the sacrifice if it were only for us.  For that we thank you God.  We ask that you help us put our trust in you.  We ask that you help us build our Faith in you.  Help us Dear Risen Savior put ourselves behind us so that we may focus on you.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Have you allowed God to come into your heart?  Are you walking the walk of faith?  Are there things that you have put between your relationships with God?  Are you willing to help others find faith? Are you being the witness that God desires?

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