
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The King of the Jews is nailed to the Cross

Verses: John 19 : 17 - 27

My thoughts about the verses:

Think about this a moment.  The one thing that the Jewish leaders wanted was a Messiah to save them from what was going on.  Pilate does exactly what the leaders want and he nails Jesus to the cross.  He takes it one step further and places a sign saying "King of the Jews."  Pilate accepted that the reason for Jesus's death was hypocritical.  How can a community want someone dead that was there to help them.  The leaders wanted him to change the sign, but Pilate refused.

I think it is important to understand the history of crucifixion and why this is what the Jewish leaders wanted.  Placing bodies on stakes or crosses was done as a form of humiliation.  This was reserved for individuals that were considered rebels.  Often times individuals were crucified that had been enslaved due to a battle to teach others not to stand up against the new rulers.  Imagine seeing your friends or family member hanging from a wooden stake.  I know for me it would keep me from standing against the ruling class.

Now Pilate didn't think that Jesus had been rebellious against the state.  He had found no fault so therefore it is kind of crazy that he agreed with the Jewish leaders and killed Jesus.

Yet, here is where I think we can learn something important.  It wants that Jesus was a fault but that we as Humans are at fault.  The death was to make it possible for us to get to Heaven.  Jesus was standing up against a much stronger ruler.  Jesus was standing up against The ruler of sin.  Jesus was rebelling against the entire world.  He was making a way for them to get blessed even though they had sinned.

Jesus death was a humbling experience for his followers.  They saw the teacher crucified for what he taught.  They could have stayed hidden forever.  Yet, what is amazing the death brought them closer to understanding what Jesus had taught them in his lifetime.  It taught them that he was the Messiah.  That he wasn't there to free them from others, but rather to save them from themselves. Jesus did not die in vain.  He died as a true victor. He did not fight his death instead he welcomed his crucifixion.

He stood up to the world and won a victory that no man could ever win.  His death won all those that believed a place in the presence of God.  He won them a blessing that they would never be able to repay.  Jesus was doing something no one else could do.  Jesus was giving all those that believed a cleansing of the Spirit.  Those that accept Christ are given the free gift of everlasting life. You cannot earn this on your own.  It is something that only God could give.

There are several things that happen during the crucifixion that one must understand.  The first thing that occurred is that Jesus was not killed by himself this day.  Instead there were two men that were placed one on each side that had broken the law.  It is important because it shows that no other person’s death could fulfill the prophecy.  As the one ask Jesus to forgive him amazingly Jesus says yes and he rewards this man that was full of sin.  If Jesus can do this then he can save us from all of our sins.

Secondly, we learn that his clothes were divided among the guards.  The clothes were divided into four and each guard received part.  I believe this is to show that we can each have an opportunity to receive the gift of everlasting life from God.  Yet, the tunic was then won by drawing lots and was not torn to pieces.  In this instance the lot is our free will.  Those that are willing to believe in Jesus will receive the cloak of forgiveness.  Those that choose through free will not to receive the gift will have had the chance.  Yet, they will not receive the gift even though they had the opportunity to receive.

The last thing that happens concerns Mary and the beloved follower.  All the rest of the followers had run and hid.  Yet, this one disciple stayed at the cross and witnessed the death.  Jesus tells the follower that his own mother was now in his charge.  Think about this a second you are on death's door and you worry about your grieving mother.  If you think about it the charge goes much deeper than just to taking care of Mary.  The principle behind this is now that Jesus's work on Earth is completed we the followers must be willing to take on the responsibilities of helping the world.  We must not just take care of our own family, but we must reach out to those in need around the world.  It is one thing to console your family, yet something much stronger to console a stranger.  To be a true follower you must look outside yourself and be like Christ.


Dear God we thank you for your gift of everlasting life.  We praise you for the sacrifice that you did without reluctance.  We honor you with our songs of praise and worship.  We ask right now that you fill us with the abundant love of Jesus.  May we teach the world what you have done for them.  Help us be your faithful follower.  In your Holy name we pray.  Amen


The nails have hung Jesus to the cross.  His clothes divided among the guards.  His mother is now protected.  The only thing left is the death.  Yet, for us we must stand at the bottom of the cross right now.  Look up into Jesus's eyes and think about our life.  Have we done anything to deserve him giving his life for us?  Is this not true love?  The blood that is pouring from his hands is our cleansing power.  Today will never come again so what is your decision?

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