
Friday, October 18, 2013

Jesus greets Mary in the Garden

Verses: John 20 : 10 - 18

My thoughts about the verses:

The disciples leave the scene.  They are devastated, but do not know what to do so they leave. Mary Magdalene comes back to the grave.  She falls to her knees and begins to cry.  Her beloved teacher and friend have been killed.  Now his body has been stolen.  As she is on bended knee she sees two figures.  The bible says that they are Angels but I doubt in her sadness she could understand this.  All she saw were people sitting where her Savior's body should be.

They ask her simply why she is crying.  Her response is simple they have taken my friend's body and I don't know where they have taken it.  She is in shock and grief.  She was there as he hung on the cross and took his last breath.  She had come this morning to properly prepare his body and to mourn him appropriately.  Yet, she does not get the chance because in her mind the body has been stolen and further mistreatment is taking place.

Then a voice behind her asks why you are crying.  Mary does not recognize Jesus and think it is the Gardner.  This time she accuses the man of taking Jesus.  Her simple plea if you have told me where he is and I will go get his body.  Imagine being so buried in grief that you do not even recognize the one you are grieving for.  Mary had one thing on her mind honoring her Messiah.  She would go to any lengths at this moment to bring Jesus back so he could have a proper burial.

Then Jesus shakes her from her despair by calling her name.  As soon as she hears her name being called by her teacher she turns and immediately knows that she is with the one she was searching for.  Can you even imagine the thoughts running through your head.

You were not told that Jesus had died.  You actually had witnessed the brutality of the crucifixion. You were there as he was placed in the tomb and the stone rolled in front of it.  Now you are standing face to face with your Savior.  What would you do?  I think I would go numb.  Imagine the shock and excitement that would rush through your veins all at once.

Then Jesus tells you not to hold onto him.  Jesus says to let him go to the Creator so that all could be fulfilled.  That she needed to tell the followers what she had witnessed.  I know that for me I would want to grab hold of Jesus and hug him without releasing him.  He was alive and standing in front of me.  Yet, I am being told to let him go so that he can go to the Parent.  I would be confused and numb.  I have a feeling that Mary was in the same place as I would have been.

Yet, she so loved Jesus that she did exactly what she had told here to do.  She followed him even to the point of putting her own desire of holding onto him aside.  Think about how hard this had to be for her.  Yet, she left and told the followers.  I am almost sure they felt sorry for her.  That through her grief she had come up with this idea that Jesus was alive.  We truly know that she believed Jesus was alive and had walked out of the grave.


Dear God thank you for sending Jesus to give us everlasting life.  We thank you for allowing Jesus to take on our burdens and take them to the cross.  We thank you for allowing those burdens of sin to stay buried in the tomb.  We thank you for bringing Jesus out of the grave without our burdens.  We ask now that you help us understand the true sacrifice that was made on that day.  may we understand the true love that you have for us.  In you Holy name we pray  Amen.


Have you allowed Jesus to take away your burdens of sin?  Can you be like Mary and share the good news?  Have you allowed God to bury your burdens of sin?  Do you love Jesus as much as Jesus loves you?

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