
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Jesus Dies

Verses: John 19 : 28 - 42

My thoughts about the verses:

Jesus dies.  Jesus died is Two simple words, yet so full of meaning.  Jesus died on his.  He did not have to have his bones broken to help end the torture of the cross.  Jesus simply released his spirit back to the Heavens.  It was on his terms and in his own time.  Jesus fulfilled his mission on Earth.

Many people see this as the saddest part of the story.  Jesus could have been saved by God.  He could have been taken down from the cross by a crowd of Angels.  In fact, he could have been whisked away when before the crucifixion even started.  All was in the power and control of God. Yet, Jesus walked boldly into his death.

His followers saw their leader perish.  I can almost see the pain on the faces of those that watched. Then one of the guards takes his sword and to add insult to injury rams it into his side.  His blood poured out of his body.  Yet, Jesus was already in the arms of God.  The Creator had welcomed the son back into the presence of the trinity.  The blood that flowed is to remind us that we are cleansed by the power of Jesus.  The blood that flowed that day is our life line to everlasting life.

You know there was great weeping by those that were present that loved Jesus.  They had witnessed the greatest miracle that Jesus had performed.  Yet, in that moment they did not truly understand what they had seen.  In their eyes their friend, son, beloved teacher was dead.  You can only imagine the tons of emotions and thoughts going through their heads.

Yet, I find it quite interesting that comes and takes the body down.  It is not his beloved disciples.  It is a follower that up until this point had kept hidden.  He and Nicodemus ask that they may take the body down from the cross because the Sabbath was fast approaching.  They are given permission and hastily prepare the body and place it in a tomb that had not been used before.  Their action shows that all followers have a role in spreading the news of Christ.  These two men did something that most family members or beloved followers would have done.  They gave their Messiah a resting place.

We are like these two followers.  Joseph and Nicodemus showed compassion and love when there was nothing left to do.  We can learn a lot from these two believers.  First we learn that we need to be there during other people’s time of need.  Secondly, we can learn that whatever we can do is just what God is asking for us to do.  Lastly, we can learn that the most important thing that we can give someone is compassion.  To sacrifice our own desires and to help those around us is exactly what God desires from us.  It isn't a matter of being first that is important.  It is a matter of giving your all that God requires.


Dear Jesus we pray to right now us thank you for the sacrifice you made.  We praise you for the love that you showed to us even to the very end of your life.  We thank you for choosing to die so that we might have abundant life.  Right now God we ask that you use us.  Help us be the people that you desire us to be.  Help us put down the barriers that we have built so that we can reach out to those that you love.  In you Holy name we pray.  Amen


Have you been cleansed by the power of the blood?  Have you turned from your own ways and picked up the task God has for you?  Are you willing to step out in faith and be a follower of Jesus? Today is the best day to decide that I will give my life over to God, for we are never promised tomorrow.  You have witnessed the death.  What have you decided?

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