
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Don't be Discouraged...

Verses: Luke 4 :  31 - 44

My thoughts about the verses:

Now Jesus had two choices to make because what had happened in his hometown.  He could hide and quit spreading the good news or he could spread the good news to those who would listen.  We know that one choice would lead to a very short ministry.  So many lives that needed to hear the good news would have been affected.

Jesus took his message on a tour.  He decided that even though he could not reach those that he was closest to it would not stop him.  In fact, he left the city and started showing great works.  He healed those that were ill.  He cast demons out of people.  Jesus gave himself over to the will of God.

He worked very hard to the point that even He needed to rest.  There are so many of us that miss this part of the story.  We forget that part of the process of spreading the good news is having rest.  If you are not studying or connected to God you will not be in the place you need to be to do God's work.

The other part of the story is that Jesus didn't just stay in one place.  He moved from one place to another to tell the story.  Reaching out to those that didn't know the good news.  He didn't stay where he was comfortable instead he reached out to those that were marginalized.

So what can we learn from these verses.  First we can learn that when we give ourselves to God great works will follow.  You have to understand that there will be people that will not accept what you are teaching.  Yet, you should not give up on your calling.  There are people waiting to hear your story. We also need to understand that we have to take time for ourselves.  We need to come to grips that we cannot be good for others if we do not take care of ourselves.  Lastly, we are taught that we need to look beyond the walls of our church.  We have to leave our comfort zone and reach out to those that haven't heard about God's love.  You need to reach out to the marginalized in society and help those that others do not help.


Dear God we thank you for loving us.  We thank  you for being with us as we go out in the world. We ask that  you show us where we need to go for you.  We ask that  you help us reach out beyond our comfort zones.  We also ask that you be with us and help us take care of ourselves as we are working for you.  In you Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted your calling?  Are you willing to reach out to those that need help?  Are you taking time to study and pray?  Are you leaving your comfort zone so that people can hear your story?

Monday, December 30, 2013

Neighbors do not Believe

Verses: Luke 4 : 14 - 30

My thoughts about the verses:

Jesus has gone to several cities and they have welcomed him with open arms.  He has healed people. He has preached the word.  He has lived the story of the Good news.  Then he goes home.

You would think that when the people of his hometown saw Jesus they would throw him a party.  Jesus goes to the synagogue and is giving the scroll containing the book of Isaiah he reads a simple scripture. Then states as the words were read the Messiah was living the story.  The people looked around and said how he could say this isn't he Joseph the Carpenter's son.  How dare he put himself in this role.

Jesus tells them how he could expect anything different from this group.  Let's be honest Jesus had knowledge that was much greater than anyone that he was talking to.  The truth is that your neighbors and family are the last ones to realize the good you are doing for God.  They know your past and if you did anything as a youth you regret they will never forget.  I would think that the people were thinking how a carpenter’s son could be anything more than a carpenter.

This not only happened to Jesus but to the prophets that had come to prepare the way.  People in the community didn't believe what they were saying.  They doubted it because they knew the prophets. You can almost hear them saying how can this person be enlightened with what will happen to us.  Yet, those from other places through the present time understand that God had given them the gift of prophecy.

You must understand that people close to you will miss the work you do for God.  They will think about your past or your families past.  They will judge especially if you have done things in the past that they do not agree with.  They will hold this against you because they will doubt that God has chosen you to do a great work.

Does this mean that we should not share our work for God with those that are close to us?  No we are to share the good news to everyone.  If you noticed Jesus was trying to teach his neighbors about the fulfillment of God's promise to the Jewish community.  Yet, even though he was sharing the good news they did not accept it.  This did not distract him from the ultimate task.  He taught them that what they had done had happened with the prophets of old.  Imaging having the things that you know is true discussed as if you are following the same pattern.  Over time you will notice that the ones that you do not know will accept your calling.

I want you to think about this a second.  Jesus tells them how they treated him and the prophets from the past.  They get so angry that they go to the mountain top to throw Jesus off.  What happened is that he disappeared into the crowd because it was not his time.  The lesson that we can learn from this is that even when the ones that we are close to turn us away God will protect us.  God will lead us to the place where we can do the most good.  So do not be afraid if your neighbors do not accept what you are doing.  Instead trust that God and your ministry will go to even higher places.


Dear God we thank you for the peace and comfort you give us daily.  We thank you for being with us as others turn their back.  Help us keep focused on the mark.  Help us reach out to those that  have and will reject us.  Help the world see you in us today.  In your name we pray.  Amen


Have you ever been afraid to tell the story of Christ?  Do your family and friends believe you are doing God's work?  What truth do you need to take from this example so that you can bring light to the world?

Sunday, December 29, 2013

40 Days of Temptation

Verses: Luke 4 : 1 - 13

My thoughts about the verses:

Can you imagine being in the desert for 40 days.  You haven't eaten for the entire time because you are fasting and worshiping God.  Then the devil comes to you and says here turn this rock into bread and you can eat.  The Devil knew that Jesus was the Messiah and he was trying to tempt him so that he could make him fall like he had done to both Adam and Eve.  Yet, Jesus says no we don't live by earthly food but spiritual food.

You can see the anger on Satan's face.  So he realizes that he will have to do something much bigger than just getting Jesus to fill his belly with basic needs.  So he then shows Jesus all the Kingdoms of the Earth.  He tells him that God has given him this and he says if you worship me I will give it to you. Jesus doesn't fall to the need to have power.  Instead he tells Satan that he is only to worship God.

So the Evil One comes up with a different plan if you love God so much prove it.  He takes Jesus to a high mountain and says jump.  You know that God will not let you be hurt.  The Angels will come to help you.  Yet Jesus says once again no we are not to test God.

There are some very important lessons that we can take from this.  First God will provide our needs we are not to be tempted by people wanting us to do bad to fill those needs.  Secondly we are not to want to be better than God.  We are not to desire fame and glory.  We need to be humble and allow God to be the most important thing in our life.  Lastly, we are not supposed to go out and tempt God. God is not supposed to be tested and prove the power that the Almighty has.  Instead we are to have faith that God is powerful and can save us.

40 days does seem like a long time to be tempted and fast.  40 days is a long time to wander the wilderness doing nothing by worshiping God. Yet there is significance for the 40 days.  The Israelites wondered the wilderness for 40 years because they had done all the things that Jesus was tempted to do.  He was able to restore his community because he was able to replace their 40 years of wondering due to their sin with his 40 days of wandering in the wilderness.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Thank you for showing us how to live through Jesus's example. Help us not to fall into temptation.  Help keep us safe as we travel throughout the Earth.  Help keep us focused on doing your will not ours.  In your Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Could you have handled 40 days fasting?  How would you have handled those temptations?  Have you fallen into the temptations around us because of their beauty?  Are you ready to ask God to forgive you of your trespasses?  Are you willing to put God first in your life?

Saturday, December 28, 2013

We are all part of the Tree of Life

Verses: Luke 3 : 23-28

My thoughts about the verses:

Family trees are very important to some traditions and some individuals.  It allows you the opportunity to explore who you are and where you have come from.  It lets you see those that have made it big and those that lived normal lives.  The greatest of family trees is the Tree of Life.

Now let me explain this in terms we can understand.  The Tree of Life was in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were told not to eat of the fruit.  When they did their understanding of sin was changed forever.  The first thing they did was cover themselves and hides from God.  They were to be happy and live a very content life.

Yet, one single bite of the fruit that came off the Tree of Life changed everything.  Not only were their lives changed but also ours.  Because they taught their children what was right and wrong.  Their children taught the grandchildren what was right and wrong.  The cycle continues through today.  We through that bite understand the differences and are no longer innocent like Adam and Eve started out in the Garden.

Yet, let us look at two things that Luke is getting at in displaying the family tree of Jesus.  See most people felt at the time of birth believed that Jesus was Joseph's son.  Due to prophecy they had learned that the Messiah would come from the House of David.  Notice that in Joseph's family tree David is one of his great grandfathers.  When the census took place and they had to go to their ancestral home it explains why Joseph went to Bethlehem.  This would be the second time in the history of the Jewish community that a great ruler would have come from this one city.

The Jewish community has for decades celebrated who their forefathers were.  So that one generation passes it on to the next.  This is to keep the cycle going forever.  So that they will understand many things from which tribe they came from to who was important leaders in their life.

Each person has a connection all the way back to Adam.  Now here is where things get interesting. Think about this one second if Adam was created by God he then is the son of God.  Adam was created from nothingness so that he could enjoy and have peace on Earth.  Yet, through sin he separated himself from God.  Jesus on the other hand was also created by God and is the son of God.  Yet, being human and God he did not separate himself like Adam did.

Amazing to think that no matter how you look at it Jesus is the son of God.  Through the line of Joseph that goes back to Adam you can see the connection if God.  If you truly understand the miracle of this birth you will also see that he was the son of God.

I can tell you from my own personal experience how important it is to know your family tree.  The tree of your own family will surprise you.  It has twist and broken branches.  The Tree limbs are intertwined with other trees more than once.  It also has a way of helping you connect with those that came before you.

For me I was finally able to fill in the dots and see how we had come from native American ancestry. I had been told this since I was a young kid.  I also learned that my family tree had strong connections in Prussia to Church Elders.  I would encourage everyone to try their best to connect the dots.

Now I know for some that seems impossible because you are one of those broken branches that were raised by someone that was not your original parents.  I want you to remember that you are a lot like Jesus.  He was not really the son of Joseph yet he was considered a part of that tree.  Because of that the people that have adopted you have made you now part of their family.  Therefor do not be upset because you do not know which tree you originally came from rather celebrate the tree you have joined.


God we thank you for allowing us to connect our lives back to you.  No matter what our earthly family tree looks like we thank you for the Spiritual tree of life that we find in you.  Help us to remember that one day people will look back and see the things that we have done.  Help us so that we can live a more Godly life.  Help us today connect the dots so that we may spiritually connect ourselves with the Risen Savior.  In the name of the one that Created the Heavens and Earth we pray.  Amen


Do you understand the connection that Jesus had as the Son of God?  Are you willing to live for God today?  What will your future generations say about you when they look back?  Will they discover that you worked hard to help them find spirituality or will they discover something else?

Friday, December 27, 2013

Jesus confirms John's Teachings

Verses: Luke 3 : 21 - 22

My thoughts about the verses:

There are a few things that we can take from these verses.  First John baptized Jesus.  Secondly, God announced that Jesus was the Son of God.  Lastly, this was also Jesus acknowledging what John had been teaching.

It is without question that Jesus came to John to be baptized.  That he entered the water and was treated like all of the other followers.  In the earlier verses John makes it clear that he is not worthy to be the one who is to baptize the Messiah.  That he is so humble that he isn't even good enough to clean his feet and remove his sandals.  Yet, Jesus goes to the water and tells John he is to be baptized. John responds with it is I who should be baptized by you.  Yet, because Jesus has come to him for this he is physically baptized in the water.

Secondly, a dove descends and represents the holy spirit.  The voice says that this is my son whom I am well pleased with.  Imagine for a second being at the water and witnessing this.  If you had not understood what John was saying before I believe your life would be changed forever.  God tells the entire world that the Messiah is here.  Those that were there that day had a blessing of knowing their Messiah was in their very presence.  I wonder who besides John truly understood what was happening.

The last part is the one that I think we often miss.  The fact that Jesus was acknowledging what John had taught to the followers.  The Messiah was at hand that they had to be cleansed within their soul.  That the cleansing that occurred in the water was an outward sign of the changes that needed to occur within a person's heart.  John was right about the things he had taught and Jesus was confirming for the followers that day.  John and Jesus had known each other before birth,  I feel it is very significant that it was again in water that the confirmation was made of their connection and of Jesus being the Messiah.


Dear God thank you for sending Jesus to change our hearts.  Thank you for showing us the true meaning of being filled with the Holy Spirit.  Help us be more like John standing out and proclaiming that Jesus is the Messiah.  Help us to never think we are better than the one that came to set us free.  Help us live daily within the light of the Risen Savior.


Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit?  Has your Heart been changed?  De you know that the Messiah has come to free you from your own trespasses?  Are you willing to be a witness like John?

Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Voice in the Wilderness

Verses: Luke 3 : 1 - 20

My thoughts about the verses:

John began preparing the way for Messiah.  He was telling people that they needed to be baptized to show that they had a change in their heart.  He was proclaiming that the Messiah was coming and to have the salvation that the community had waited for the people needed to have a change in their heart. This fulfilled the prophecy that a voice would be heard in the wilderness preparing the way for the Messiah.

The first issue that arose is that people came just to receive the baptism.  They did not understand that the baptism was a sign of the change that were occurring in their lives.  They were accepting the power of the Messiah.  That they had realized the only way to freedom was to change their way of thinking.  That their heart had changed from desiring things that benefited them and move toward loving and obeying God in a different way.

Then people started questioning how they could prove that they had a change of  heart.  John simply told them to give to others without thinking of what you will get in return.  If you had more than one coat then give to someone that has nothing.  If you have extra food share with those that have no food.

Remember that as a Christian you should desire to give as you are able.  Sometimes that is as simple as praying or making a call or even an email.  Other times it might actually take giving to the needy. You need to do whatever you are called to do  because your heart strings are pulled.  Don't base it on what I will get if I give instead concentrate on how it will help the person that you are assisting.


Dear God thank you for giving us the opportunity to help others.  Thank you for changing our hearts.  We offer praises to you for giving us the free gift of salvation.  Help us accept our call.  Help us give to those that need help.  Help us pray for those that need prayer.  Be with us throughout the day so we can be what you need us to be.  In Your Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Jesus in your heart?  Have you had a change of heart?  Do you have the willingness to help those that need your help?  Are you praying for all those that need special needs met today?

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Jesus is faithful to God

Verses: Luke 2 : 41 - 52

My thoughts about the verses:

I can’t imagine how hard it would be for a parent to not know where their Child was.  Even though Jesus was twelve at this time you have to imagine how scared his parents had to be when they discovered he was lost.  Yet, in Jesus's eyes he was not lost.  He was with his Heavenly Parent doing the work he needed to do.

Here is this young boy amazing the people around him.  You have to understand at twelve years old his knowledge of the customs and of God were stronger than mere man.  He knew who God was because he had been with God since the beginning.  He understood that the Holy Spirit would come into their lives because he had been with the Holy Spirit since the beginning.  The people that heard him during the three days that he was "lost" could not believe how much he knew.

Then Joseph and Mary finally find their son.  They had to be afraid and somewhat angry that their child had not been with them.  Even though they had known Jesus was the Messiah he was still in their eyes their child.  He was someone that they must protect.  Yet, when they saw him their relief and anxiety was expressed in simple terms.  Where we're you?  We have been searching high and low and could not find you anywhere.  It has been three days of worry for us.  Jesus simply said you should have known where I would be.  I am doing the Heavenly Parent's work.  Yet, the Bible says that he was obedient to his parents and left with them to go to Nazareth.  He grew older and stronger and more faithful.

I think back to a time when I was lost in a crowd.  My family had gone to an amusement park and my Mom thought my Dad had me.  My Dad thought my Mom had me.  When they got through the crowd they realized that neither one of them had me.  I on the other had stood completely still.  I was scared because I thought they had become lost.  As a small child it wasn't me that was lost but my parents.  It only lasted a few minutes but that memory is forever etched in my brain.  I was filled with relief when they finally got back to me.  The joy that came from knowing I was safe.

With that thought in my mind I can understand Jesus in a way that his Earthly parents couldn't.  He knew he was safe because he was worshiping the heavenly Parent.  He was doing the work God had called him to do.  He was learning more about God and grows in faith.  He wasn't afraid because he knew where he was.

Yet, his parents had to be in the same mindset of my parents at that moment when  they realized I wasn't with them.  They had to be in pure shock and despair.  They had to be thinking how could we do this?   We have lost our son.  What kind of parents are we?  My parents only had five or ten minutes of that feeling where Joseph and Mary had to go through this for three days.


Dear God we thank you for giving us Jesus.  We thank you for showing us how following you is more important than anything else.  Help us be the children that will set the world on fire for you.  Help us grow in faith and wisdom.  Help us to never put others before you.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Have you ever felt that since of lost?  Have you ever felt like there is something missing in your life? Is today the day that you allow God into your heart so that you can live free from worry and doubt?

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Simeon and Anna see the Messiah

Verses: Luke 2 : 21 - 40

My thoughts about the verses:

It is important to remember when reading these passages that Jesus was born to a Jewish family.  They had certain rules that they must follow according to customs.  Jesus was first circumcised when he was 8 days old which was set forth since the time of Abraham.  Then Mary and Joseph took him to Jerusalem so that he may be presented to God and the people.  It was customary that the first child would be given to God as a servant that he be used to help the people.

Now you have to imagine Joseph and Mary being surprised by Simeon who they did not know.  God had granted the man's wish of seeing the lamb that would come to save the people.  He did not know how it would happen but he was very faithful.  When he laid his eyes on Jesus he knew immediately that this was the salvation for the people.  He foretold the destiny of the child and of the Jewish community. First Jesus was there to save all of them and was the Messiah that they had long waited for.  Yet, even though the community had waited for the Messiah there would be those that rejected him.  That there would be many saved because of his birth.  Yet, there would be many that would be lost because they did not believe that Jesus was the true Messiah.  Can't you imagine these two parents shock that a man they didn't know had identified the Messiah?

Then there is Anna she was very old and very faithful.  She was at the temple day and night fasting and worshiping God.  When she saw Jesus she knew that this was the salvation that she had been praying for.  Unlike Simeon who was ready for his days to end.  Anna started spreading the news that the Messiah had been born.  It is ironic in some ways when you look at who first started preaching about the Messiah's birth.  In today's world many churches do not allow women to serve in leadership roles. Yet, it was Anna who started telling everyone that the Messiah had been born.  She witnessed through her faith that the promise of God had been fulfilled.  She had no doubt in her mind that what she saw was what she had longed waited to see.

After Joseph and Mary had done everything by the customs they returned to Nazareth.  This protected Jesus and at the same time he was able to grow in faith and wisdom.  He did not have to deal with the issues that were occurring in Jerusalem.  The children who were lost because of Herod's action have a place in the Realm of God.  They are free because of the child who had come to set us all free.  Jesus was able to fulfill his promises because he was no longer in Jerusalem or Bethlehem.

Now I want you to think about today and where you are in your faith. We need to discover how strong a bond we have Jesus.  The fact is that God wants us all to be free and to accept the one that came to make us whole.  Yet, there are many that still do not accept the Risen Savior.  We as Christians are encouraged by Simeon to recognize that the Messiah has come to set us free.  We are also to be like Anna and share the good news to as many people that will listen to us.  This doesn't mean we have to hit them over the head with the Bible.  People want to hear our stories because it is through our own personal experiences that people find Christ.  We are also to be like Mary and Joseph fulfilling the task that God desires from us.  This doesn't mean that we have rituals to be performed rather it means we must accept the calling that is set out for each of us.


Dear Holy God thank you for giving us Jesus.  Thank you for showing us how to live and to grow in faith.  Let us never be ashamed to tell people our story.  Help us accept the calling that you have for our life.  Help us become the people that you want and need us to be.  In your Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Have you experienced the freedom that comes from accepting Christ?  Have you accepted the calling that God has for your life?  Are you willing to share your story with someone today?  What more do you need to see to accept that Jesus was born and died for you?

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Angels announce the Birth of Christ

Verses: Luke 2 : 8 - 20

My thoughts about the verses:

There are some things you never expect.  I can tell you that the shepherds had to be in total shock when the Angels appeared to them.  Here they were out doing their own thing.  Protecting their flocks making sure that nothing bothered their livelihood.  Then out of the blue here comes Angels proclaiming that the Messiah had been born in Bethlehem.

They told them that they would find the babe wrapped in cloth and laying in a trough.  The shepherds had to be amazed and frightened at the same time.  Yet, they wanted to see it for themselves.  So they rush to Bethlehem to find the babe that had come to save the world.  When they reached the location it was just like they were told.  They began praising Jesus.  Even as they went back to their flocks they continued praising Jesus.  They knew that their Messiah had arrived.

I think I would be like Mary.  She is shocked. She is still coming to the realization that her son would be the one who saved the world.  I can only imagine all the thoughts going through her head.  She had to be worried about the destiny of her son.  She also must have felt like she must do anything to make sure her son was safe.  She also had to be concerned that she would teach him the right thing so that he could fulfill the prophecy.

We also have different times in our life that we are called to do things that seem impossible   God asks us to go outside our comfort zone.  We should not be surprised by the miracles God can do.  I know that over the last year as I experienced my body declining I thought I was getting to the end of me being an asset to God.  Then God showed me different ways that I can be an asset.  I can't do a lot of things I used to do but I have seen  any small miracles.  Even being able to type this today is a small miracle.  I fell and broke my wrist but with the cast and a lot of pecking on the keyboard I still am able to reach those that need to hear God loves them.  So never think that anything is impossible.  If God wants you to do something you will be able to conqueror that goal.


Thank you God for showing us how to praise you.  Thank you for making all things possible in your name.  Help us bring joy and peace to the world.  Help us worship you so that others will find the love we need through you.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Are you ready to worship God with all of your heart?  Are you willing to believe in miracles?  Are you praising God with the things you are doing?  Is today the day that you accept Christ and the forgiveness that is given freely?

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Halleujah Jesus is born

Verses: Luke 2 : 1 - 7

My thoughts about the verses:

Hallelujah Jesus has been born.  This is the most glorious events of all times.  Jesus enters the world as fully God and Fully human.  Jesus's birth signifies the change of all our lives.  Jesus came so that we are made free from our own sins.  His birth was the beginning of our life.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem just like the prophets had said. He came from the House of David and was born in the city of David.  This all came about because the Romans were taking a census.  Since Joseph was from the House of David he took his fiancé with him to get registered.  There were so many that had traveled to Bethlehem that there was no place for them  to stay.

Jesus was born and placed in a feeding trough.  Now think about this a second our Savior was born without even a crib to lay his head.  Yet, this was done so that we could see that Jesus was just like us. He did not have special things given to him like a King.  Instead in his own birth he had to show humbleness.  He was never meant to overthrow the Kings of the world.  Instead, he was born so that we may become free of our own sins.  What a glorious example for us all to follow.


Dear God thank you for sending your son to free us from our sins.  Thank you for showing us that we are all equal with every other child of God.  We praise you for sending Jesus to die on the Cross if it had been for us.  Help us learn to worship you.  Help us share the good news to those around us. In the name of the Messiah we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Christ in your life?  Are you willing to follow God's lead and help those around you find Jesus for their freedom of the sins?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Sing praises to the Light that has come to bring us out of the darkness

Verses: Luke 1 : 67 - 80

My thoughts about the verses:

There are many promises given to us through this part of the scripture.  You have to imagine that Zechariah had plenty of time throughout the pregnancy of Elizabeth to think about what the angel had told him.  Not being able to speak for over 9 months would make anyone that could speak think about the future and the past.  Zechariah knew that the promised Messiah was at hand.  He also knew that his own son would play a very important part in spreading the word.

So as soon as he could speak the first thing that he did was offer praises to God.  To thank God for keeping the promise that was giving to the ancestors of the Jewish community.  He also predicted the future of his son.  That John had come into the world to prepare the people for the Messiah.

Zechariah understood that the salvation that the people were waiting on was not what they thought they were being sent.  He understood that the people would be given an opportunity to worship the Holy God.  He also understood that the Savior that was coming would free them from the enemies that surrounded them daily.  The enemy was not the people that ruled their community, but rather the things that kept them from praising the savior.  You can see this when he tells John that his job will be to prepare the people for the arrival of the Messiah.  What they needed to do was to ask God to forgive them of their sins.

The same promises exist for us today.  We are living in the time that our Messiah is to return to claim those that are his children.  Jesus has already passed and those that trust in him and ask forgiveness for their sin have been blessed with eternal life.  John came to prepare the way so that all the prophecies of old would be fulfilled.  It is now our time to think about what we need to do to welcome Jesus's return.

It is time for a new beginning.  A time we walk out of the darkness into the new light.  To accept the fact that God wants us to be part of the chosen children.  The fact is that the Light that came into the world still shines bright.  We need to ask God to forgive our sins.  With this simple act we are able to start again and leave our past behind.


Thank you God for sending the light to the world.  Thank you for cleansing us from our sins.  We ask dear God that you help us accept the new beginning that you have sent to us.  Help us bring praises to your name.  Allow us to be the prophets that share the news of the Savior that has come to set the world free.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Have you given yourself to Christ?  Have you moved from the darkness to the light?  Are you willing to sing praises to God?  Will you be Jesus to someone today?

Friday, December 20, 2013

John's Destiny

Verses: Luke 1 : 57 - 66

My thoughts about the verses:

John's birth led to the start of people wondering what he would do when he was older.  There were many things that happened in his first days of life.  He first was a surprise birth for many because many did not know that Elizabeth was pregnant.  The family was very happy and when it came time to be circumcised they asked Elizabeth what his name should be.  She told them that she wanted to name him John.

They were shocked no one in the family was named John.  He should be named after his father.  So they turn to Zechariah and ask him what to name the baby.  He signs for paper and pen and writes John.  At that very moment his voice returned.  Those made people wonder what John would become.  They also felt the spirit that came from John.

I can only imagine the stories that started that day.  No wonder when John went out in the wilderness proclaiming the Messiah was here did people come to repent and be baptized.  People had often thought that the prophets would come back.  When they saw the way John acted they were sure that he was one of the prophets.  Yet, what we know that he was filled with the spirit before he was ever born.  He was destined to spread the news that the Messiah was coming.  His Spirit was on fire with the need to share the good news.

Now take a moment and think about your destiny.  Each one of us has a destiny.  Some of us fight the destiny while others feel the fire that John felt.  They know that they must share the Good news. Nothing can keep them  from this destiny.  Their whole spirit is filled with such a desire to serve God that they must do that over anything else.


Dear God we thank you for sending John to prepare the way for Jesus.  We thank you for choosing us to spread the good news.  We thank you for loving us so much that Jesus died on the cross.  Dear God we ask you to surround us with your loving arms.  Help us go out and spread the good news.  Help us accept the destiny that you have for each and every one of your children.  In your Holy name we pray. Amen


Do you feel your destiny calling you?  Have you stepped out in faith to do the things that God has called you to do?  Are you willing to let go of anything that is holding you back from fulfilling your destiny? Have you accepted Christ into your heart? 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Learning to be humble

Verses: Luke 1 : 46 -56

My thoughts about the verses:

Haven't we all at one time or another thought wow I must be important because something that has happened in our life.  We put our ego first and forget that the blessings that happen in our life come from God.  We are so proud because of our accomplishments.  We get upset when our efforts are not praised. We expect people to give us praise even when we are doing the work of God.

Yet, we need to be more like Mary.  She is humble when Elizabeth tells her that she is extremely blessed to be chosen to have the Messiah.  She sees it as a gift that it isn't anything that she deserved. She admits that she will always be remembered for the blessing that came to her but, actually she was not important.  She wanted to let all of those to come later that she felt blessed by the gift but was still in shock that she was chosen.

She also warns us of what happens when you believe you are as powerful as God.  Those that think they are equal to God will be separated from God.  God will strip rulers or government officials that think they are powerful and proud from their place of authority.  Those that think they are better than others because of their riches will have their riches stripped from them.

Mary also tells those that are humble and respect God what will come to them.  God will feed the hungry.  God will bless those that are humble.  God will bless those that worship and praise the Holy One.  Those that realize the power of God will be shown mercy.

See it is simple we should praise and worship God before anything else.  We should not think we are more special or important than others.  We should rejoice for those that God shows mercy for.  Jesus was sent to earth to fulfill the promise made to God's chosen people.  You may be saying who the chosen people are.  Simply anyone that loves God and worship and praises the Holy One is the children of God.   By being the children of God we should desire to be humble and understand that anything giving to us is a blessing from our Savior.


Dear God we thank you for choosing to love us.  We thank you for sending Jesus to save us from our self.  We thank you God for giving us this example of humbleness so that we can live like you desire. Help us put you first. Help us do things that will bring glory to your name.  Help us become humble in your sight.  Help us always remember that the blessings given to us are given to us by you.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Do you think that anyone or anything is more important than God?  Do you believe that you have earned the blessings that have been given to you?  Are you willing to help those in need?  Have you come to understand that God wants you to be humble so that people can see God in you?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

John and Jesus meet for the first time

Luke 1 : 39 – 45

My thoughts about the verses:

We often think that Jesus and John the Baptist first meet at the water.  At the moment John Baptizes Jesus, God sent the dove to signify that Jesus is the Son of God.  This is true that the first time that they met after birth was at the water.  John had gone out into the wilderness saying that the Messiah was here. People need to repent and to believe in the Messiah that had come to save their souls.

Yet, this is not the first time they met.  They met their first time when Mary went to her cousin’s house. As soon as Elizabeth saw Mary John Jumped in her belly.  What you have to remember is that when the Angel went to Zechariah he told him that the baby would be filled with the spirit even before birth.  John within the womb felt the very presence of his Messiah.

Elizabeth knew immediately that Mary had been chosen to carry Jesus.  She knew without any doubt that her cousin was carrying her Messiah.  She felt blessed to be there at that moment.  Amazing to think that without anything being said Elizabeth knew through John's response that Mary was carrying the Messiah.

Have you ever thought something would happen but not sure what it would be.  You had a gut feeling that things were getting ready to change in your life.  Let’s be honest when this happens,  the first thing you think is something bad is just around the corner.  We think the worse because we don't think we deserve or should expect good.

Yet, when things go well after that deep gut feeling we worry more.  Concerned that something even worse is just around the corner.  We still do not accept that the good we receive could be the gut feeling that we have.  Yet wouldn't it be nice if we could live like Elizabeth did this day.  Her gut feeling was actually John celebrating being close to his Savior.  She could have thought many things but her immediate reaction was that Mary was carrying her Messiah.

What a wonderful feeling would overcome us if we would accept good can be what we deserve.  That God doesn't want bad to fall on us.  That just because you have the gut feeling that things will change that we can imagine all the good that will be coming.  I can tell you from personal experience when you start thanking God for the good things that will occur for you and your family your life will be blessed.


Dear God we thank you for sending blessings in our life.  We thank you for sending Jesus to help us in our time of need.  Allow us to accept the miracles that you send our way.  Help us rejoice when things are going good in our life.  Help take away our worries.  Help us understand that you want only good things to happen in our life.  In your Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Do you trust  God to give you blessing?  Are you willing to accept the grace that God gives us freely? Have you accepted that good things can be that gut feeling that you have?  Are you willing to claim that the savior is around you and protecting you?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

God will turn our fears into great works

Verses: Luke 1 : 26 - 38

My thoughts about the verses:

The angel comes to Mary and tells her she will become pregnant with the Son of God.    You can almost hear the entire conversation going on in her head.  Am I dreaming?  This is impossible how can I be the mother of God's son? I am not even married?

The Angel knew the multitude of thoughts that were running in her head.  He then tells  her something that is amazing that her cousin Elizabeth is pregnant.  See  no one knew this because she had been in hiding during the pregnancy.  Now Mary knew that nothing was impossible.  She immediately gives herself over to God.  She is willing to serve God because it was what God desired.

Can you imagine being Mary.  A person young and still a virgin being told that you will have a child that will become King of all the people.  Being told your son will be called the son of God.   You would be afraid, but there also has to be that part of you that is overjoyed.  Scared yet honored at the same time.

In today's society we are faced with the same thing.  God asks each one of us to take on a special task. The task may seem small and mundane to us but what we are called to do is special in God's eyes.  Sometimes we are asked to take on tasks that seem impossible.  Yet, God is there to help us achieve the tasks that each of us is given.  The trick is letting God work through your faith.  Your faith will give you the strength to accomplish anything that needs to be completed in the name of God.

Just like the Holy Spirit came to Mary and breathed the life of Jesus.  The Holy Spirit living within each one of us will breathe strength and power upon all we do.  It doesn't matter if it is a task that seems impossible or one that seems small and mundane.  Through the power that we receive from the Holy Spirit our task will accomplish the goal that God has for us.

We are often given more than one calling at the same time.  Mary was challenged in such a way at this very moment and time in the scriptures.  She took upon the challenges and accomplished them one at a time.  We need to realize that we are not expected to accomplish the impossible today.  What we are challenged is to allow God to reveal the plan and work out the desired task in God's timing.

Mary had to wait for the gift to come and then to raise Jesus.  She had to keep him safe and raise him to love God.  Yet, something she didn't comprehend is that God was there the whole time.  That the child that she would bear would be her own Savior.  That she would learn more from him than he would learn from her.

This often happens to us we are called to do something in the process we learn a life lesson.  I know when I was called to be a Deacon I discovered more about myself than I ever knew.  I learned I could handle stress that would have cracked me in the past.  I learned when  needed to say no to things that were outside my ability.  I also learned to be thankful for all the small and big things God has given me.  Even as I have faced the newest chapter in my life I have learned that God is there with me through all the ups and downs.  Staying focused on what God desires has helped me deal with the pain, dizziness, hearing loss, nausea and all kinds of physical ailments.  I know now that God did that so I would refocus my life and take it back to what it should have really been.  Now I love my family and friends more. I appreciate everyone that has given me a helping hand.  Lastly, I have learned that as I struggle all I have to do is turn it over to God and good things will come out of it.


Dear God we thank you for sending you beloved son to Earth.  We thank you for giving us the faithful example that Mary showed that night when the Angel came to her.  Right now God we ask that you help us turn away from our fears and concerns.  Help us connect with our faith so we can do the work that you have called us to do.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Are you scared of the calling that God has placed in your heart?  Are you afraid you will let the Savior down?  Have you asked for the faith needed to give your  all to God?  What are you being called to do for the Savior?

Monday, December 16, 2013

Never too old for God to use you for the work of Spreading the Good News

Verses: Luke 1 : 5 - 25

My thoughts about the verses:

God will use people of different ages to spread the good news.  God knows that people can do great things if they trust in God.  People have hard time when it comes to God using them when they feel they are past their prime.  Shouldn't the next generation be called to serve?  Haven't I already done enough to help grow the Realm of God?  Why me?

See God doesn't base what you can do on your age.  God Bases his decision on who to pick on their faith.  People of different faith levels are called to serve God in different capacities.  Some are asked to spread their story to their friends and neighbors.  Others are called to preach the word to total strangers.  In this part of the Bible a very faithful older couple was chosen as the parents of John the Baptist.

Imagine being very old.  Knowing that there is no way that you can have a child.  You have tried when you were younger, but it never happened.  You still worship God.  You are a church leader and you are entering the most Holiest place of your entire religion.  As you are performing your task an Angel appears and announces that you will have a son.  You can understand why Zechariah doubted what he had heard.  Then all of a sudden you are told that because of your unbelief in what has been said you will not be able to speak until your son is born.  You still have been chosen.

You then go home and your wife soon learns she is pregnant.  She is rejoicing because no longer will people think something is wrong with her.  Yet, you are not able to tell her what you have been told. You know that this is a fulfillment of what the Angel has told you.  Yet, you still cannot speak until the actual birth occurs.  Can you imagine how much you would want your wife to know what the Angel has said.  You know what this means and that the Messiah will soon come because the prophecy is being fulfilled.

God not only use people of different ages, but different denominations, and different sexes.  The truth is that  God picks those people that can make the largest impact in the lives of people.  As long as you have faith in God you will be someone’s Christ today.  See Jesus lives in us and there is someone in the world this very moment that needs to hear your story.  God leads these people to those that have the same story so that they will see Jesus at work.

We just called a new pastor at out Church.  For numerous years we were led by a Reverend with a very strong influence in the community.  God had decided that it was time for the Church to go in a different direction.  She retired and there were many that thought that the Church would fall apart without her leadership.  What occurred is that the people were asked to step up to the plate.  They were asked to take on different roles so that the Church could grow in a different way.  I would think that many would be surprised with who we chose as our new pastor.  Yet, God sent just who we needed to move us into a different direction.  Now we are faced with reaching a new group of individuals.  People who need to understand that God is there for all people.


Dear God we thank you for being with us.  Thank you for giving us a chance to be Jesus for someone today.  Dear God we ask that you help us grow the Realm of God.  Help us accept the different task you give us.  In the name of God we pray.  Amen


Do you feel too old to do God's work?  Have you accepted the calling that God has placed in your heart?  Are you willing to let God use you to grow the Realm of God?  Are you accepting that God is willing to use you just where you are at?

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The need to study the Bible to learn the truth for yourself

Verses: Luke 1 : 1 - 4

My thoughts about the verses:

It  is important for us to understand that the book was written by looking of evidence from other sources and rewriting it in a way to make people understand.  They needed to know that this just wasn't something made up but was an inspired word of God.

There is a very valuable lesson that we can learn from these first few verses.  We must be willing to study the word of God.  To look at the Bible as a book that isn't just read but studied.  We need to look at different text to fully understand what God wants us to hear.

We are blessed with many different study bibles.  These bibles give us an opportunity to dig deeper into the word.  It is important that we remember that each person that writes about the bible is bringing their interpretation of the Bible to the words they write.

We also need to understand that we need to express what God lays on our hearts.  Our thoughts are just important as others.  God inspires each person to understand the word differently.  It doesn't mean that what you hear is wrong when it is different than what you think.  Remember God inspires each person and through studying the word you will come to the conclusion of what God wants you to learn .  Then you can take that message out to others.


Dear God we thank you for giving us the word to study.  We thank you for encouraging us to study the word and discover what you want us to learn.  Help us God not to judge what people say about the bible.  Help remind us that you use many people to reach those that need to hear the word.  Be with us as we study so that we can learn what you want us to share.  In your name we pray.  Amen


Do you take time to study the bible?  Have you find what God wants to share with others?  Have you been inspired by something someone has written?  Is it time to share that with the world?

Saturday, December 14, 2013

God can Strengthen our Faith

Verses: Romans 16 : 25 - 27

My thoughts about the verses:

The message is simple God died for all.  The message does not need to be hidden but spread.  Through believing in God and depending on the Savior you will be strengthened.  God is your guide and comfort and lives within you.

God is the strength that moves us forward and helps us reach out to others.  The good news came first to the Jewish community then to the gentiles.  The secrets that were passed down from the ages are now freely given to all of us.  We have peace because God comforts us and helps us spread the word to the world.

It is very hard for many of us to go out of our church walls.  We feel safe and secure behind the closed doors.  We find peace and love within our church family.  Yet, what God wants us to know that we need to reach out past the doors and help those that are lost to find the same comfort we have.

Imagine if the word had not been told to us how would our life be different?  Was there someone brave enough to reach out to you when you were not in relationship with God?  How would your life be without that person willing to tell you about then love of God?  Now it is our turn to reach out to those that need the same peace we have found.  It doesn't matter who you are God wants you to share the secret.


Dear God thank you for sending Jesus to the Earth.  We thank you Jesus for dying so that we may become one with God.  Help us go out and spread the good news.  Help us reach those that have never heard about the saving power of God.  Thank you for sending those that help us find God.  Now help us do the same for others.  In your Holy name we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the Risen Savior in your heart?  Are you spreading the good news around the world?  Do you feel the strength of God wherever you go?  Is it time you tell your story?

Thursday, December 12, 2013

There are many that help the Realm of God Grow

Verses: Romans 16 : 1 - 24

My thoughts about the verses:

I have to start this by explaining what I was taught as I grew up.  I came from a very strict denomination.  The lesson was simple everyone else was teaching the word of God wrong.  That there was only one true denomination and that was ours.  There even was a book called the blood of Christ that showed how we connected straight to Jesus and the early church.  It showed the many sacrifices that others had made through their shedding of blood so that the church would survive.

The hardest part of the lessons taught was the role of women.  There were only four things women could do to help people find Christ. 
  1. Women could teach young children Sunday school until they hit their teen years.  
  2. Women could only teach females when they became teens or older and those were Sunday school classes only.
  3. We could invite people to Church so the preacher, who was a man, could tell them about salvation.  
  4. Marry a man and go where he was called and be his helpmate.
I knew that I was called to serve God way before most people even understand the role Jesus wanted. The first Sunday after I accepted Christ in my heart, I was just eleven, I made a list of all those that I loved and who needed to have Christ in their life.  As they came to accept Christ I marked their name off the list because I knew that my prayer for them was working.  

Yet, I felt there was something else that I was supposed to do besides teach children.  My heart was telling me that adults needed to hear what I said.  Yet, I knew that the only way to do that was marrying a preacher and allow him to spread the news while I supported him.  Yet, I had a bigger problem with this I wasn't interested in men.  I struggled with this for years.  I even decided I would go to the college sponsored by our Church to help me find my place.  I still was failing at this because I was outshining some of the men who were called to be pastors.  I can remember being told that I needed to let the men shine if I was ever going to find the right husband.  They felt my calling but that was to be a perfect wife.

When I was outed I thought my world was over.  I knew that I was being shunned because my love was for women not men.  How could I do anything now.  School was gone my teaching of kids was gone.  I was an outcast that felt a calling but had no way of sharing it.  I knew God was with me but I didn't have a place to worship.  I began praising God on my own terms because I felt that I had to do something to worship the one that saved me.'

Then it happened I found Metropolitan Community Churches a place that was safe for me.  MCC was a place that not only condoned my love but affirmed it.  A lot of my family and friends from my past still don't understand how I could have believed what I know now as truth.  They feel that I have back slide and they pray for me to turn back to the faith that they have.  Yet, what I was learning is that I could have a voice and my spirit felt lifted.

Now what does all this have to do with this scripture.  Think about what is happening Paul is thanking those that have been working to bring Christ to those that needed to hear the word.  Look at all the Women that had a voice that were praised for the work that was being done.  I love the fact that one of the churches meet in the house of two women.  Just think about it the majority of the followers mentioned are women.  Imagine for a moment how liberating this is to all the women from different denominations that are kept in a patriarchal structure.

Also here is something that we must understand that each person who accepts Christ has a role to play in building the realm of God.  Not just straight men who preach fire and brimstone.  Children, the GLBTIQ community, women, those with disabilities and yes men all have a role to play.  We need to accept the call that God has placed on our heart so that we can lead people to find the peace that we have found.  If you feel that you do not have a place to worship look outside where you are.  There are many churches that understand that those that are marginalized have a place in the Realm and need to use their talents.  Don't just listen to the naysayers that push you away because you are different. Instead find those that accept you for who you are so that you can have a place to worship and bring joy to God.


Dear God thank you for loving each one of us.  We thank you for giving us places where we can worship you.  Thank you for sending Jesus so that we can have eternal life.  We thank you for opening your heart for all of us.  We pray that all your children will find a safe place to worship you.  Help us accept the call that you have for each one of us.  Help others understand that you want us all to serve you.  Help those that are struggling with their identity to find that place where they can feel free to serve you openly.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Christ love for you?  Have you accepted God's calling for you?  Have you found a safe place to worship?  Are you struggling with how to Serve God and be the person that God created? Are you willing to step out and be who God wants you to be?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Share the Good News to all the people of the World

Verses: Romans 15 : 14 - 21

My thoughts about the verses:

The ultimate task for Christians is to share their faith story.  Think about this a moment.  We are to tell others our story so that they can hear about what God has done for us.  All Christians have a testimony that is unique to them.  The goal is to share the love God has given to us.

Paul was sharing that he had used his story to spread the good news to the gentiles.  He was able to share how God had touched his life.  Paul was chosen by God to tell the story to this group of people because of his own ethnicity and former beliefs.  Paul did not try to interfere with the teachings of others by going where they had already reached people.  Instead he was looking forward to those that never had heard the word.

Now what does this mean for us today.  We must be willing to reach out to those that have been rejected and never heard the story of God.  We must reach out to those that need to hear our story.  As Christians we should have a fire in our soul that inspires us to bring others to Christ.  There is someone out there that has been waiting to hear how God has helped us.  You do not need to be a minister or other lay leader to share what God has done for you.

Because of this fire I want to share my story,  I know that there is someone today that needs to hear that God died for them.  They need to hear that God is there when others have rejected them.  There is a need for others to know that God never leaves you.  That the world may say that you are not a Christian, but if you have accepted Christ in your life you can never have that taken away by what people say or do.

See I understand what it feels to be rejected.  To have people say that there is no way you are a Christian because of the person you love.  To be judged by the world and to have your faith challenged. But I am here to tell you that God doesn't leave you.  The Bible says that no one can remove you from the hands of God.

I grew up being taught that once saved always saved.  Yet, when I came out of the closet people said that I must never accept God.  I had an option in which I did not have to choose to live in sin.  I chose to distance myself from God because I put my love for a person first.  I was an outcast that needed to repent from my sin to truly enter the gates of Heaven.

 Yet, I knew deep in my heart that God was there with me.  I never felt like God left me.   Yet, I felt hurt by those that had taught me to love God.  I felt that religion was hypocrisy.  I knew that many of the people that were judging me had their own vices.  How could they say God didn't love me?  How could they know how I felt deep within.

Then I found MCC a place that confirmed what I had always felt.  That God had not let me go.  In those  moments that things were rough God was actually carrying me.  That God had a plan to use me and that I would grow in my faith.  Now I never fear if   my love for a person is not something that tears you out of the hands of God.  Jesus desires people to be happy and never said anything about my lifestyle. Amazingly people still feel that they can judge me.  For those people I feel sorry for them because they do not understand the love that God has for all people.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Thank you for always holding us in your hands.  Dear God help us tell people our story.  Put a fire in our heart that encourages us to share the good news to those that need to hear about your love.  Help us to never reject someone because of our own judgment. In the name of the Risen Savior we pray. Amen


Have you ever felt rejected by Christians?  Are you willing to share  your story?  Do you understand that only you and God know if you are truly a Christian?  Are you willing to stop judging others?  What do you need people to know about your own walk with God?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Help others Grow Stronger in their Faith

Verses: Romans 15 : 1 -13

My thoughts about the verses:

We all know people that are in different stages of faith.  Some people put their entire trust in God they believe that there are no fears because God is with them in all things.  Then there are people that believe in God yet at times feel like they are facing things all by themselves.  Neither one of these individuals are better than the other.  They have one thing that makes them equal their belief in the Risen Savior.

 People go through different stages of their faith and trust in God overtime.  Some days you can feel that God is right there with you.  Then things change and you start to wonder has God left me. As we face these challenges we depend on individuals that have strong faith to help us get through those hard times. They encourage us to trust God, they remind us that God hasn't left you.  That you must ask God for your needs and believe God will bring you what you need.  Remembering the whole time what you think you need isn't exactly  what you will get because God knows what you truly need.

Therefor when you are in your strongest days of faith you need to be someone’s helper.  You need to encourage them and not to put them down because of their doubts.  It is important to remember that all people go through rough times.  Those struggles that hit you when you do not expect them and you start to worry am I going to be okay.  How can God fix what is happening to me?  Does God have time to help  me when there are so many other people with needs?  Should I bother God with my issues?

I am going to share a very personal story.  There was a time not so long ago where my faith had started to wane.  I felt like there was no way that I could get out of the situation I was in.  I was so desperate for  money to keep the utilities and the house. I had prayed for God's to help yet I fell into a deep depression.  I saw no way out.  Everything that was happening seemed to be getting worse and worse.

It was in that moment that I decided the only solution was to access my life insurance policy.  I wanted the ones that I loved to be safe.  I felt like I had let them down.  So I decided to go out to the street and wait for God to send me the answer.  I live on a busy street.  It isn't unusual for me to stumble and fall. So there I stood waiting for just the right  moment.  As I waited I started praying to God to help me.  I prayed to God to send me the answer that I needed.

No car came.  No money fell from the sky.  I stayed outside thirty minutes waiting for my answer to come. God sent a moped.  Now you might say what kind of answer is that.  I say it was God saying not your time.  Put your faith in me and we will get through this.  It was that night that I decided that I wasn't in this alone.  I started reading God's word daily.  I started praying more than I ever had.  Today my Faith is stronger than it has been in a very long time.  Still struggling but know I am not in it alone every day I thank God for my answer.  I also realized I needed to start sharing my faith.  The question for me was how.  I guess if you are reading this you figured out the how.  It takes me hours to write these because of my concentration and pain but I know it is helping people around the world. 


Dear God we thank you for the answers to our struggles.  We thank you for never leaving us.  Dear God we give our life to you.  Help us reach those that are struggling and having doubts.  Allow us to be an inspiration to others.  In your Holy name we pray.  Amen


Have you ever felt alone?  Are there days that you feel God's comforting arms surrounding you?  Are you willing to share your story with others?  Are you ready to help someone who is struggling?  Have you doubts and fears surfacing that you can’t handle?  Are you ready to turn those over to God?

Monday, December 9, 2013

Live in Peace with Each Other

Verses: Romans 14 : 13 - 23

My thoughts about the verses:

Imagine if you were used to doing something that you never felt was wrong.  Yet, as you are doing this in front of others you are effecting  their beliefs.  You keep doing what you are doing because you feel nothing is wrong.  Yet, over time you notice that people are starting to withdraw themselves from you and others that you are around.

Haven't we all experienced this at some point in our life.  We think it is okay to eat a certain food or drink yet it offends others.  They handle it for a little while then they pull away from us.  Then they do not talk to us or our friends because what they saw us doing made them feel uncomfortable.  It even questioned their faith in God because they looked up to us.  Yet, they saw us doing things that they thought were wrong and now our pedestal they placed us on is knocked over.

What we need to understand is that there are things that we do that affects other people’s faith.  We need to examine what we do to make sure that it doesn't affect other people's faith.  If it is something that affects another person negatively then do not do it in front of them.  Remember people look at you every day and if you are walking your faith they will be quick to judge if they think something is wrong.

You need to remember that this scripture was written at a time when there were two main divisions in the Church.  The Jewish community had accepted Christ and the Gentiles.  These two groups had two different views because of their upbringing on what was good and what was bad.  They were at odds with each other because of this.  What Paul is trying to say to them and us is to live with peace between each member of the Body of Christ.

There are people from many different groups that make up the body of Christ.  When you look around and see what happens when different cultures are in the same setting.  You need to make sure as a child of God you do not push someone away because of your own customs.  At the same time other Christians should not make you feel uncomfortable with their customs.

It is this difference of opinion that has split many churches.  Because of things that are not really involved in worshiping Christ.  It is essential that all Christians work with each other so there is no one that feels put off by the behavior of one or more in the group.  Working together to reach the unchurched should always be the primary goal.  If you feel that what you are doing will keep the unchurched from coming to hear the word of God you need to determine if it is worth what you feel is okay.  I am not saying that you are sinning if you believe that a certain custom is okay.  What I am saying is that you need to make sure that when you are doing something that you do not push people away from accepting Christ because of your actions.


Dear God we thank you for loving us.  We thank you for giving us the gift of everlasting life.  We ask dear God that you help us to live in peace with each other.  Help us understand how to interact with others.  Help us so that we do not block people from coming to know you because of our actions.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Have you ever been shocked by something that someone that says they are a Christian does?  Are there things that you do that may deter people from coming to know Christ?  Are you willing to let go of those customs so that people can find Christ?  Have you accepted Christ in your life?  What do you need to do to help others find inner peace?