
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

God will turn our fears into great works

Verses: Luke 1 : 26 - 38

My thoughts about the verses:

The angel comes to Mary and tells her she will become pregnant with the Son of God.    You can almost hear the entire conversation going on in her head.  Am I dreaming?  This is impossible how can I be the mother of God's son? I am not even married?

The Angel knew the multitude of thoughts that were running in her head.  He then tells  her something that is amazing that her cousin Elizabeth is pregnant.  See  no one knew this because she had been in hiding during the pregnancy.  Now Mary knew that nothing was impossible.  She immediately gives herself over to God.  She is willing to serve God because it was what God desired.

Can you imagine being Mary.  A person young and still a virgin being told that you will have a child that will become King of all the people.  Being told your son will be called the son of God.   You would be afraid, but there also has to be that part of you that is overjoyed.  Scared yet honored at the same time.

In today's society we are faced with the same thing.  God asks each one of us to take on a special task. The task may seem small and mundane to us but what we are called to do is special in God's eyes.  Sometimes we are asked to take on tasks that seem impossible.  Yet, God is there to help us achieve the tasks that each of us is given.  The trick is letting God work through your faith.  Your faith will give you the strength to accomplish anything that needs to be completed in the name of God.

Just like the Holy Spirit came to Mary and breathed the life of Jesus.  The Holy Spirit living within each one of us will breathe strength and power upon all we do.  It doesn't matter if it is a task that seems impossible or one that seems small and mundane.  Through the power that we receive from the Holy Spirit our task will accomplish the goal that God has for us.

We are often given more than one calling at the same time.  Mary was challenged in such a way at this very moment and time in the scriptures.  She took upon the challenges and accomplished them one at a time.  We need to realize that we are not expected to accomplish the impossible today.  What we are challenged is to allow God to reveal the plan and work out the desired task in God's timing.

Mary had to wait for the gift to come and then to raise Jesus.  She had to keep him safe and raise him to love God.  Yet, something she didn't comprehend is that God was there the whole time.  That the child that she would bear would be her own Savior.  That she would learn more from him than he would learn from her.

This often happens to us we are called to do something in the process we learn a life lesson.  I know when I was called to be a Deacon I discovered more about myself than I ever knew.  I learned I could handle stress that would have cracked me in the past.  I learned when  needed to say no to things that were outside my ability.  I also learned to be thankful for all the small and big things God has given me.  Even as I have faced the newest chapter in my life I have learned that God is there with me through all the ups and downs.  Staying focused on what God desires has helped me deal with the pain, dizziness, hearing loss, nausea and all kinds of physical ailments.  I know now that God did that so I would refocus my life and take it back to what it should have really been.  Now I love my family and friends more. I appreciate everyone that has given me a helping hand.  Lastly, I have learned that as I struggle all I have to do is turn it over to God and good things will come out of it.


Dear God we thank you for sending you beloved son to Earth.  We thank you for giving us the faithful example that Mary showed that night when the Angel came to her.  Right now God we ask that you help us turn away from our fears and concerns.  Help us connect with our faith so we can do the work that you have called us to do.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Are you scared of the calling that God has placed in your heart?  Are you afraid you will let the Savior down?  Have you asked for the faith needed to give your  all to God?  What are you being called to do for the Savior?

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