
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Learning to be humble

Verses: Luke 1 : 46 -56

My thoughts about the verses:

Haven't we all at one time or another thought wow I must be important because something that has happened in our life.  We put our ego first and forget that the blessings that happen in our life come from God.  We are so proud because of our accomplishments.  We get upset when our efforts are not praised. We expect people to give us praise even when we are doing the work of God.

Yet, we need to be more like Mary.  She is humble when Elizabeth tells her that she is extremely blessed to be chosen to have the Messiah.  She sees it as a gift that it isn't anything that she deserved. She admits that she will always be remembered for the blessing that came to her but, actually she was not important.  She wanted to let all of those to come later that she felt blessed by the gift but was still in shock that she was chosen.

She also warns us of what happens when you believe you are as powerful as God.  Those that think they are equal to God will be separated from God.  God will strip rulers or government officials that think they are powerful and proud from their place of authority.  Those that think they are better than others because of their riches will have their riches stripped from them.

Mary also tells those that are humble and respect God what will come to them.  God will feed the hungry.  God will bless those that are humble.  God will bless those that worship and praise the Holy One.  Those that realize the power of God will be shown mercy.

See it is simple we should praise and worship God before anything else.  We should not think we are more special or important than others.  We should rejoice for those that God shows mercy for.  Jesus was sent to earth to fulfill the promise made to God's chosen people.  You may be saying who the chosen people are.  Simply anyone that loves God and worship and praises the Holy One is the children of God.   By being the children of God we should desire to be humble and understand that anything giving to us is a blessing from our Savior.


Dear God we thank you for choosing to love us.  We thank you for sending Jesus to save us from our self.  We thank you God for giving us this example of humbleness so that we can live like you desire. Help us put you first. Help us do things that will bring glory to your name.  Help us become humble in your sight.  Help us always remember that the blessings given to us are given to us by you.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Do you think that anyone or anything is more important than God?  Do you believe that you have earned the blessings that have been given to you?  Are you willing to help those in need?  Have you come to understand that God wants you to be humble so that people can see God in you?

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