
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Healing people from the inside out

Verses: Luke 5 : 12 - 26

My thoughts about the verses:

People often think that God does not show love and grace because they are not healed from the ailments that plague them.  They are under the impression that what they need and want is to no longer being sick. That God needs to cure them from their illness so that they can be whole again.  They get frustrated when God doesn't take away their illnesses.  Sometimes we even run away from God because we do not believe we are loved because we are still suffering from our illness.

You need to know that it takes faith to be healed.  Faith that God will heal what you truly need healed. We may think that the sickness of our body needs to be removed so that we can be whole.  Yet, for many of us it isn't the outside that needs healed it is the inside.  Having faith that God will give us what we need  help us understand the grace that comes our way.

There are two different stories happening in these scriptures.  The first man has leprosy.  He was an outcast because individuals thought he was unclean.  They believed his leprosy was a type of punishment for not obeying God.  Yet, we see that he knows Jesus can heal him.  He has faith that shows that his inside is clean.  It is only his physical body that needs healing.  Jesus knew exactly what was needed so he tells the man that he will heal him.  He touches the man and he is purified.  He then tells the man to go the temple and offer a sacrifice.  He knew that the man would do this without question.  That he had the faith that healed his body.

The second  miracle is a man that is paralyzed.  It is his friends that have faith that God will heal him from his ailments.  So they do everything that they can do to reach out to Jesus.  They cannot get to Jesus because of all the people that had come to see Jesus.  So they climb on top of the home that he is at and lower the man on his mat in front of Jesus.  He looks at the man and says because of the faith of your friends your sins are forgiven.  This time it was the inside that needed the immediate help of healing.

The Pharisees and other church leaders questioned how can this man dare to have forgiven a man of his trespasses.  He is offending the power of God.  No man can cleanse someone from the inside.  This can only been done through the power of God Almighty.

Jesus knew what was in their hearts.  So he told them that because they could not see the cleansing did not mean it didn't occur.  So Jesus told the man that he was physically healed to pick up his mat and walk.  As soon as the words were spoken the man stood and rolled up his mat and walked home.  It was the physical healing that the Pharisees and others needed to see that convinced them that Jesus had the power of God.  Yet, let us make this point clear the man received his first blessing in his soul. Jesus only healed his body to show the others what the man felt in the inside.

We need to remember that a lot of times it is our inside that needs the cleansing.  Once we are cleansed and healed on the inside our physical body’s condition does not bother us.  Knowing that God has cleansed you and taken away your trespasses allows you to accept what God has done for you.  You do not have to worry about how you feel on the outside.

We many never overcome the sickness that plagues our bodies.  Yet, once your are cleansed of your trespasses you receive the healing that your truly need.  Those that understand that God heals you from what you truly need healed the more you are able to accept your limitations.  You do not worry about what happens to you on the outside because you know that your inside has been healed.  There are times that others cannot understand how we feel with the healing that we have received.  There are times that God cures us from our illnesses to show the power of God to those around us.  Yet, if you have true faith you know that the healing you have received is the Gift from above that allows you to make it to Heaven.


Dear God we thank you for cleansing us from our sins.  Help us live a life that honors you.  We thank you for the times you take away our ailments.  Help us understand that we will not receive the healing that we think we need.  We thank you for concentrating on our relationship with you.  Help us accept what you are doing for us each and every day of our life.  Help us not to question the miracles that you perform not only for us but for others that are around us.  In the name of the Great Healer we pray.  Amen


Have you ever questioned God when you are sick?  Have you ever thought that God has failed you because you do not get better?  Have you accepted the healing power that comes by your sins being forgiven?  What do you need to do to grow your relationship with the one that loves you more than anyone can ever do?

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