
Monday, March 16, 2015

Stand up for those that are Disenfranchised by Religious Leaders

Verses: Susanna 1 : 15-27

My thoughts about the verses:

Standing your moral ground is very hard to do in many situations.  You do not want to lose friends.  So instead of doing what you should do you do things that you should not do.  You lie, cheat, steal, do drugs anything to stay friends the people around you. 

People who are disenfranchised from society are even more tempted to do things that are outside their moral compass.  They fear that the people around them are the only ones that will be their friends.  They fear of isolation jeopardizes people.  What makes it even worse is most of these individuals are pushed away from organized religion.  These limits the people that they can be with that will accept them for who they are thrown out into the world to make it on their own.

It is very sad when you think about it one of the groups that have the hardest time is the LGBTIQA.  Many churches have isolated them.  The churches preach that they are sinners.  This push has isolated people that need a safe place to be free and to live within the boundaries of God.  This forces them to hunt for a place where they can be themselves.  The bars become the place where they can feel free.  The saddest part of the whole thing is that many have turned to Alcohol and drugs to ease their pain of being alienated from society.

Let us take a closer look at what Susanna was facing in this moment of her life.  She was being confronted by two men that were seen as leaders in the community.  They were judges that had brought people down for breaking the law.  They gave her two options neither one of them would end well.  She could agree to have sex with them and go against her religious belief of not committing the act of adultery.  Her second option was to say no.  They had already told her if she refused they would say that she had had an affair with a young suitor that got away from them.

Susanna was a very religious person.  She knew the law.  She was in a lose/lose.  She could die an innocent Peron or she could live her life knowing that she had given into this two men.  She refused to have adulterous behavior with the elders.  At that moment she had signed her destiny.  She knew that she would die because they would accuse her of adultery even though she had not done anything.  Yet, she also knew that she would die with a clear conscious and God would know the truth if no one else on Earth did.

They immediately acted out their plan because of what they considered her stand against them.  They couldn’t handle the rejection so they opened the gate and began making noise to convince the members of the house that they had foiled the meeting of Susanna and her young suitor.

I want people that read this to understand that I am not against the way that people have turned to in their despair to fit in.  I am ashamed of Church leaders that have pushed people away.  There are so many people in the community that were raised in religious institutions.  They have accepted the love of God in their heart.  Yet, through the actions of the Church they start doubting if God really loves them.  They need an outlet to deal with their rejection.  So it is no wonder that they turn to places where they feel safe.

The Church has to change their view on society.  They have made a lose/lose situation for so many people.  They teach them if they are LGBTQIA that they are not worthy to be accepted by God.  This group of people then searches for a place to be free and to feel worthy.  The Church then comes back and says that look they are living in sin. 

I challenge people that truly believe in God to stop this vicious cycle.  We have to open our doors and hearts to people that feel disenfranchised.  We have to give them a safe place in which they can live their life accepted for who they are.  We have to stop pushing people away from the Church then mocking them when they turn to things that we deem immoral.  Christians have to take responsibility for what they have done to people.  We have to acknowledge that we have pushed people out of the Church because of our feelings of insignificance.  If a church truly believed that they were living right they would open their door to all.

This is for those that feel that they have no option but to do things that give they contact with people that will accept them for who they are.  There are places beside bars that will accept you.  There are churches that will allow you to worship in a place of where you are accepted for who you are.  I know that there are times that I go to bars to be able to show love to my partner without judgements.  Yet, I also have Churches, organizations and other outlets that allow me to be free.

I once was like so many of the people that currently feel disenfranchised.  My home church had pushed me away.  They had alienated me and I felt like there was no place that was safe for me.  I was in a lose/lose situation.  I could go to places that accepted me and hang out with certain groups of people that were not necessarily living a Christian life.  I could also stay hid in my closet worshiping God in secrecy.  I chose to do both.  My friends that didn’t believe in God didn’t want to hear my “Christian Stuff.”  My studies were proving to me that I was a beloved child of God with nowhere to worship in the open.

The day came where I found a group of people that accepted me for just who I was.  I was finally free to be a Lesbian and a Christian.  I tell people now that I am a Christian that just happens to be a lesbian.  I want you to feel a since of hope.  You can still have the friends that you have now.  Yet, ask yourself do I need a church home in which I can feel free to be me.  I will share with you that there are ways to find these open churches with very little effort.  Just simply do a search of progressive Christian churches.  Check out the list and you will find people that do not judge based on your sexual or gender identity. You can also search by gay friendly churches.  I will let you know that is how I found my first “Church home.  It is the place where I came free and I was allowed to live within the moral compass that I longed to live in. 

I am not saying I am perfect by any means.  Yet, I am free to be who I am with my mistakes yet in the eyes of God I am a perfect Human being who accepted the grace of God.  No matter what remember that God accepts all, loves all, and wants you to be a member of the Church that was created by the power of the blood of Jesus


O holy God hear our praises and prayers.  We thank you for loving us just as we are.  We worship you for the love that you so freely give.  Help us make choices that are in a ‘godly manner.  We ask that you be with those Churches that are pushing people away by their words and actions.  Help us Dear God is the children that will make you happy.  In the name of the Loving God we pray.  Amen


Do you feel alone?  Are you afraid God will not accept you for who you are?  Have you been isolate from Church?  Is today the day that you find a place where you can be free?  Simply ask God and God will provide all you needs.  If you believe in this pray to God right now to open the door, or window that you need to step through to find the peace that is truly waiting for you in the arms of God?

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