
Friday, March 20, 2015

Stand Strong When Your Friends Turn Against You

Verses: Bel and the Dragon 1 : 23 - 30
My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever been hurt by someone that you really trusted?  Had your life turned upside down because you feel that you have lost a special bond because of distrust?  We all have probably walked in this situation.  We have someone that we consider our dearest friend who has stabbed us in our back.  Our life is turned upside down because we worry who we can trust now.

I can only imagine the situation the King was going through.  He actually liked Daniel and considered him a confidant.  He was still dealing with the fact that Daniel had uncovered the foul play that the priest was doing.  Now he is standing there and just witnessed Daniel destroy the Dragon that the Babylonians held with high respect.

Now he is standing there and the people are saying that he has become Jewish.   He is being threatened because of what they believe.  He is afraid that they will overthrow his kingdom.  He is afraid that they will kill him because of his current actions.  He feels that he has to give in to them or he will lose all that he has.

 I really think that this applies to a lot of people in the LGBTIQA community.  They are trapped in a closet because of their truth is known they may face harsh circumstances.  I see so many people that have had their lives changed once they decide to open the door.  Many people in the community have lost their close friends even family members because they have shared their identity.

It is crazy to think that friends and family members turn their backs on people when they are in their time of greatest need.  When you first come out of the closet there is this sense of needing people to understand you.  Yet, all so often those that you thought would be on your side through thick and thin let you down.  They feel as if they can’t condone a behavior so they say things that are hurtful. 

The hardest thing for me was losing my connection with the Church.  I had so many friends that were part of that community.  My life was so dedicated to Christ at that time that it hurt deeply to be shunned.  I felt as if they had stabbed me in the back.  I really was hurt to the point that I thought why live.  How could I continue on with my life if I had lost God?

This fear that you have lost God is in the minds of many that step out of the closet door.  It doesn’t matter what they want to share there is this deep fear that the Almighty will shun you.  When the church tells you that what you are doing is a deadly sin.  Then you wonder if God will forgive you for who you are inside.  It took me a long time to accept that God created me in the perfect image of the Creator.  Since I was created in the image of the Creator I had nothing in my life that was different from God. 

At the same time I am one of the lucky ones.  I was able to find a place where I felt safe and connected with God.  This helps me finish taking that last step out of the closet of fear that I had lived in for so long.  It didn’t matter at that point what others thought instead it only mattered that God loved me for Who I was.  I pray that people who are coming out of their closets of fear will find that same place and hope. 

I will share that the people that stabbed me in the back truly hurt me.  Yet, I will also tell you that those that stood up for me and accepted me for the beautiful part of creation that I am healed me from the pain.  We need to be there for others that have that knife driven into their back.  We need to be friends to those that feel lost and hurt in this world.  We must accept that we can be Jesus to someone today.  When we stand up for the lost and hurting we are living a true Christian life.

For those of us who have hurt our friends, family and Brothers/Sisters in Christ we need to ask ourselves these questions?  Are you willing to accept the hurt and pain that you inflicted on someone?  How do you feel today that you may have pushed someone away from Christ forever?  We need to accept that our actions can destroy the hearts and souls of others.  The first step in bringing healing to those that you have hurt is to ask for their forgiveness. 

I will share that those that have done that in my life have helped me overcome my losses.  I am a better person because what I have went through.  Yet, I wish that I didn’t have to go through this because of the actions of people that I truly loved and admired.  I want others to know no matter what anyone has told you God Loves you.  You can find a place of shelter in the arms of our Blessed Savior.


We thank you God for loving us for who we are.  We praise you for never turning your back on us.  Help us accept that you are there even we people hurt us.  Help us accept that love that you so freely give to us.  In the name of the Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you ever hurt someone by your words or actions?  Have you ever been hurt by someone that you love?  Are you willing to accept God’s love and forgiveness?  Are you ready to walk in the love of God?

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