
Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Gospel Church is Now the Home of God

Verses: Psalms 132: 1 - 18

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

In the times of David and Solomon the location of the Ark of the Covenant was the home of God.  The Ark was important because it contained the very presence of God.  God had written on the tablets and therefor wherever the Ark lived the Spirit of God lived.

Yet, times have changed the Presence of God lives in the people of the Gospel Church.  Those that have accepted Christ in their life have the very Presence of God living in them.  We have become the temple that David dreamed for a Solomon built.

Yet, how do we live our life.  Do we live our life reflecting the honor of God? Do we love others as much as God loves us?  As the presence of God in the world we need to look our lives showing love.  Yet, how many times do we look at people and decide that they do not deserve love from us?  I believe that God wants us to love others just as much as God loves us.
We are not to decide who deserves to feel the love of God.  As the presence of God in this world we must not be prejudice.  We need to look as others as if they need the love that we feel deep within.  We need to show love to all.

We have talked so much lately about the discrimination that is happening today between races, sexual orientation, religious beliefs.  Yet, I want to take us back to a moment in history that many people today are ashamed of in our American heritage.  The time of slavery in which people thought they had the power to own people of another race.  They felt that they did not have the right to freedom because they were less than them.

Yet, there were those that felt that this was against the law of God.  They felt that God loved all people of the same time.  They opened their door to help hide those that were on the run from slavery.  They showed the compassion and the love for God that people were missing.  They showed loved to all people by risking their own lives because of their desire to get African Americans out of slave states.

So what does this show us that we should do today?  We need to forget about the differences that we have between us.  Instead we need to open our lives so that people can see and feel the love of God.  We need to stop discriminating.  We need to show all people love. We need to imagine what would happen if others didn’t show us love. 

We always need to remember that God loves us.  Because of that love we need to love others.  We need to share our love without choosing who we will share it with.  We need to be the opening arms of God.  We need to show that Jesus’s love for all.  We are the presence of Jesus in the world and we need to live our lives with that in mind.


Dear God we praise you.  We thank you for your enduring love.  We thank you for not putting obstacles up between your loves.  Help us tear down the walls that we have built.  Help us show love to all people.  Help us be the true presence of your love to the world.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Are you showing your love to all people?  Are you being the true presence of God in this world?  Have you chosen to love with open arms?  What do you need to do today to be a stronger presence of God?

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