Verses: Psalms 131: 1 - 3
Song inspired by the chapter: Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.
My thoughts about the
Our hearts are often
full of pride. We think about all the
things that we have achieved in life. We
are proud of our children, our families and our work. We are caught up with what we have done and
will do in our life.
Yet, are we truly
happy? We talk about hinges as if we
achieved it through our own good yet isn’t there a fear that it will go
away. We have our hope taken away when
something goes wrong in our life. We are
never truly happy because of our anxiety that things will change for the worse.
When a person has their
hope in God things change in their life.
They come to accept that t is not their power that makes things
happen. They accept that life will have
its ups and downs. Yet, in those times
they have God to rely on. They are
content with life because they do not fear the future.
We need to open our eyes
and see that it is not our works that have led us to salvation. We need to accept that our future of eternal
life is not achieved by deeds. Our gift
of salvation came through the blood of the perfect lamb. We are only receivers of the gift not the
makers of the gift. God is the salvation
that we need to have a rich and full life.
When we come to accept
that we are only receivers of grace our lives change. We do not look at our achievements with eyes
of pride. Instead we come to be humble
knowing that God has given us all that we have.
That it is God’s grace and mercy that has set us apart from others. Our eyes are open to the fact that we are
given love and happiness from the one that sets us free from the complexities
of the world.
When you come to that
point that you go to God in humbly and humbleness you will see things in a new
light. You will be thankful for what you
have. You will rejoice knowing that the
next life is a treasure beyond measure.
Your willingness to do things for others will become a highlight in your
life. You will become the person that
God desires in all of us.
We praise you God for
your love and mercy. We thank you for
your hope and salvation. Help us to come
to you without a heart of pride. Help us
come to you humbly accepting that it is your power which has made us whole. In the name of the Messiah we pray. Amen
Have you accepted Jesus in your life? Have you come to the point that you realize
that it is the grace of God that has made you whole? Are you willing to help others? Are you willing to thank God for all that you
have been given in this life?
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