Verses: Luke 17 : 1 - 4
My thoughts about the verses:
This is a lesson that is very hard to take to heart. For many there are scars that run deep from people that have hurt us. There is a fear to open ourselves up to being hurt once more. There are even those times that we have forgiven people to only be hurt by them again.
I recently watched a documentary called "I Escaped a Cult." As I watched the movie my soul was stricken with great sadness. The one man in the documentary talked about his own Uncle who had abused not only him but his brothers. Imagine how hard it would be able to forgive someone that had hurt you a child. In this particular story the Oldest brother had turned to drugs and eventually committed suicide. The pain was so deep inside that he did not know how not only to forgive the perpetrator but also how to forgive himself.
I also think about things that have happened in my own life. I know that different members of my family pray that I will change and accept that my life is a sin. Yet, they miss the point that God created me to be just who I am. It is even hard for me to forgive them for not accepting me the way I am. I have been with my partner for thirteen years. We had a commitment ceremony 9 years ago and not one family member was there. I know many even voted against the right for me to be married. I had celebrated their marriages and the birth of their children only to feel betrayed.
It is hard to say I forgive those that hurt me. Yet, when you hold onto that hurt it blocks you from forgiving yourself. I know you may be asking why I have to forgive myself for the hurt others have inflicted on me. I tell you simply if you have held onto the hurt you are passing pain and suffering on yourself. Jesus wants us to let that go.
We are to forgive others for the things that they do so that we can have a more productive life. If you choose to forgive others you are allowing the Holy Spirit to work through you. You are letting go of the baggage that they have placed in your life. You become free to serve God. It is a Christian act to say you are forgiven. The bondage of the hurt never rises in your soul. Your own attitude toward those that have hurt you is better. You in turn will not hurt them because of what they have done to you.
Imagine a world where people forgive freely. Did not Jesus go to the cross even though we had hurt him without cause. Jesus did not strike with vengeance and destroy those that hurt him. Instead, he gave his life freely so that they may be free and forgiven.
We have had so many events in the news lately where people have taken and turned guns on individuals that have hurt them. Imagine the freedom that they would have had if they had forgiven them. Imagine the children that would grow up to be what my partner says "fine Human Beings." Instead of inflicting pain because of their pain if they had forgiven others they could be on their way to a much better life.
Dear God thank you for forgiven us when we did not deserve it. Thank you for showing us the example of forgiving others that have hurt us. Help us never to hurt others with our words and deeds. Help us forgive those that inflict pain on us. Help us show the world that forgiveness is the only way to change the world into the world you desire. In the name of the Risen Savior we pray. Amen
Have you hurt others? Do you need to ask anyone to forgive you for what you have done to hurt them? Have you forgiven those that have hurt you? Do you need to let go of hurt that is holding you back from being who you truly are? Have you asked God to give you the forgiveness that is freely given?
My thoughts about the verses:
This is a lesson that is very hard to take to heart. For many there are scars that run deep from people that have hurt us. There is a fear to open ourselves up to being hurt once more. There are even those times that we have forgiven people to only be hurt by them again.
I recently watched a documentary called "I Escaped a Cult." As I watched the movie my soul was stricken with great sadness. The one man in the documentary talked about his own Uncle who had abused not only him but his brothers. Imagine how hard it would be able to forgive someone that had hurt you a child. In this particular story the Oldest brother had turned to drugs and eventually committed suicide. The pain was so deep inside that he did not know how not only to forgive the perpetrator but also how to forgive himself.
I also think about things that have happened in my own life. I know that different members of my family pray that I will change and accept that my life is a sin. Yet, they miss the point that God created me to be just who I am. It is even hard for me to forgive them for not accepting me the way I am. I have been with my partner for thirteen years. We had a commitment ceremony 9 years ago and not one family member was there. I know many even voted against the right for me to be married. I had celebrated their marriages and the birth of their children only to feel betrayed.
It is hard to say I forgive those that hurt me. Yet, when you hold onto that hurt it blocks you from forgiving yourself. I know you may be asking why I have to forgive myself for the hurt others have inflicted on me. I tell you simply if you have held onto the hurt you are passing pain and suffering on yourself. Jesus wants us to let that go.
We are to forgive others for the things that they do so that we can have a more productive life. If you choose to forgive others you are allowing the Holy Spirit to work through you. You are letting go of the baggage that they have placed in your life. You become free to serve God. It is a Christian act to say you are forgiven. The bondage of the hurt never rises in your soul. Your own attitude toward those that have hurt you is better. You in turn will not hurt them because of what they have done to you.
Imagine a world where people forgive freely. Did not Jesus go to the cross even though we had hurt him without cause. Jesus did not strike with vengeance and destroy those that hurt him. Instead, he gave his life freely so that they may be free and forgiven.
We have had so many events in the news lately where people have taken and turned guns on individuals that have hurt them. Imagine the freedom that they would have had if they had forgiven them. Imagine the children that would grow up to be what my partner says "fine Human Beings." Instead of inflicting pain because of their pain if they had forgiven others they could be on their way to a much better life.
Dear God thank you for forgiven us when we did not deserve it. Thank you for showing us the example of forgiving others that have hurt us. Help us never to hurt others with our words and deeds. Help us forgive those that inflict pain on us. Help us show the world that forgiveness is the only way to change the world into the world you desire. In the name of the Risen Savior we pray. Amen
Have you hurt others? Do you need to ask anyone to forgive you for what you have done to hurt them? Have you forgiven those that have hurt you? Do you need to let go of hurt that is holding you back from being who you truly are? Have you asked God to give you the forgiveness that is freely given?
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