
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How Strong is Your Faith

Verses: Luke 17 : 5 - 6

My thoughts about the verses:

The first thing that we need to understand is what faith is?  Faith is very hard to explain because it is something that is rooted deep within the soul.  A lot of people can explain the concept of believing.  Even more can explain when they accept something.  Yet, when you ask many to explain faith you hear a small stammering in their voice.

So what is Faith?  Faith is the point beyond believing.  Faith is a personal connection with Jesus.  It goes deeper than just believing that God is the creator of life and love.  Faith is the internal knowledge that God and Jesus do exist.  We need to know God will provide all your needs.  The most important thing is the understanding and the acceptance that Jesus died for you.

Faith is the knowledge that when you ask God for your needs God gives you what you need.  People often believe in God yet they hold a part of themselves back.  The thought is that they have to do this or that for things to work out.  We often miss that it is God's desire to be there for us.

Faith is the willingness to turn over our worries knowing that God will take them away.  We need to come to the understanding  God desires us to live a happy and healthy life.  Yes, we will run into obstacles in our life that seem as if God isn't there.  Yet, the one that created us is always there.

A mustard seed is so tiny yet Jesus says that if we had just that amount of faith we could accomplish great things.   Therefor trusting that God will do what we need in our lives would encourage us to be faithful.  Yet, the problem arises when we do not see what we want happening.

Part of my personal testimony involves the fact that I have several illnesses that limit my ability to do things.  When I am sick there are times that I do not post.  There are times that all I want to do is to give up.  People have said to me multiple times that if I just have Faith God will heal me.  Yet, what they do not understand is that the one thing that I needed most was a spiritual healing.  I needed  God to come into my life and strengthen my spirit so that I could continue serving God.  I needed to come to the understanding that I might not ever be able to do some of the things that I used to do.  I am not the same physically active person that I was before.  Yet, that doesn't matter what matters is that God is there in my life keeping my Spirit charged.

My mind hasn't died just because my body is sick.  The fact that you are reading this you should see the gift that God has given me.  I don't have to be the most trained scholar.  I do not have to walk distances to raise awareness for God.  Instead, God utilizes me to reach out to people that may never had an opportunity to hear about the love of God.

Faith then is simply the deep understanding and acceptance that God is there and wanting to be your Savior.  Once you have accepted and leaned on that faith God will provide all your needs.  Faith is the gift that God gives you to help you understand that the things that you will need will be provided.  Yet, to receive those gifts you must turn your life over to God and live within that faith.


Dear God thank you for sending Jesus so that we may be made whole.  Thank you for all the prayers that you answer daily in our lives.  Thank you for blessing us with the gift of Faith.  Help us dear God to give our lives over to you.  Help us turn our needs over to you knowing that you will provide.  Help us in those moments when we do not get the answer the way we wanted it so that we will not lose our faith.  In the name of the one who is Always there we pray.  Amen


Do you understand what Faith truly is?  Have you turned over your life to God?  Do you understand that the answers may not be what you want but are what you need?  What do you need to do today to walk closer to God and to grow you faith in the one that loves us more than life itself?

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