
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What is lawful doing good or harm on the Sabbath?

Verses: Luke 6 : 1 - 11

My thoughts about the verses:

First we have to understand Jewish culture.  The Sabbath was a time when no work was done.  The Sabbath  was a time when people rested and concentrated on connecting with God.  Remember that on the Sabbath God even rested.  So it was a continuation of that moment and time.  The Sabbath was a time when all were not to work.  The Sabbath is a time to study and meditate and pray to God.

Yet, here is Jesus breaking the law.  The disciples are first going through a grain field.  They are hungry and they begin reaping the grain to eat.  The Pharisees take the opportunity to point out to Jesus that the disciples are breaking the law.  Why are they feeding their self and working when they should be resting.

Jesus reminds them that even David broke the law.  David had fed his men the bread that only the High Priest was allowed to eat.  Jesus was pointing out that the very King that was thought to be the King of all ages had broken rules.  How could they justify what David had done and not justify what Jesus and his companions had done.  He then adds to the statement that the Messiah is the ruler of the Sabbath. You can almost see the Pharisees faces going red.  Yet, they could not do anything because what was spoken was truthful.

Then another Sabbath comes along and Jesus is at the temple teaching the people.  A man comes to him who has a hand that doesn't work.  The Pharisees got very excited they had heard about all the healing that Jesus had done throughout the land.  They were hoping that Jesus would heal this man and they would have something to use against him.

Jesus knew exactly what they were thinking.  He took the opportunity to question their attitude about what was lawful and what was unlawful.  He calls the man to his side and asks a simple question.
What is more lawful doing well on the Sabbath or doing harm?  Any one hearing this question would immediately know that doing well was much better than doing bad.  This not only applies on the Sabbath but at any time.  So after asking the man this question he heals the man and the Pharisees once more have no way to react to Jesus's perceived disobedience of the law.

Many of us today think that there are rules that we must follow.  We believe that there are certain things that we can or cannot do.  We use the Bible to justify the decisions that we make.  We determine that the law justifies this decision.  We judge others who do not follow the rules the way that we interpret them.  Over the years we have punished this group or that group because we feel that they are not living within the law.

Yet, as Jesus pointed out things changed with the arrival of  the Messiah.  We are no longer confined to the laws of the past.  We must ask ourselves will this cause harm or good for others.  If we are hurting others we are living outside the will of God.  We are to concentrate on helping those in need.  We are to reach out beyond our comfort zone and provide assistance to the masses.  No longer are we to keep the good news among a small group.  We are to spread the good news so that all can receive the gift of healing that is needed just for them.


Thank you God for sending Jesus.  Thank you for showing us how to live.  Thank you for giving us a new covenant.  We ask dear God that you help us reach out beyond our comfort zone.  Help us find a way to help those in need.  Dear God be with us so that we do not harm others.  Help us to do good to all we come in contact with.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


What is lawful doing good or harm?  Have you judged others because they are doing something that you feel is outside the law?  Have you resisted helping those that are different from you?  Have you come to the understanding that a new covenant was started when Jesus came into the world?  What can you do today to help someone in need?

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