
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The calling of the Apostles and the healing of the disciples

Verses: Luke 6 : 12 - 19

My thoughts about the verses:

We often intermixed the term apostle and disciple.  We think that this is one and the same.  Yet, there is a difference.  An apostle is someone that follows and teaches something with all of their heart and soul. A disciple is a student of Jesus and the Bible.

Those that accept Jesus are called to be disciples.  We should all desire to learn more and more about the one that we call our Savior.  The apostle on the other hand is someone that not only follows the teaching of Christ, but also teaches the story of Jesus.  They are called to spread the Good news and accept this calling.  They study with all of their heart at the same time they find great joy in telling others the good news.

Does this mean that only certain people are called to be apostles while everyone else is called to be disciples?  No we are all called to reach out to those around us.  Yet, there are those that do not go out and talk to those around them.  They are afraid that they will be made fun of or relay wrong information.  These individuals are content being disciples and not reaching out of their comfort zone. These individuals often need a healing that comes overtime.  They have accepted God yet because of things that have happened in their past they have to go through a healing process. Overtime they may be able to come out of their comfort zone.  This doesn't mean that they are not saved it just means that they are dealing with their own stuff as they study and get closer and closer to God.

Those that are Apostles feel that they must share or they do not feel content.  They are driven by the things that they study to share as much as they can.  They have dealt with their own issues.   They are so driven that they feel discomfort if they are not sharing the good news.  We will one day become apostles as we are healed and move closer to God.

The big thing to see that at this time Jesus only chose 12 of the many disciples to be apostles.  The need for apostles was to teach not only in their homeland but to others.  The disciples are those that accepted the word and were learning a new life.  The fact is that we all go through times when we need healing and rest.  Yet, as you mature in the word your desires to share will come stronger. What does this mean for us?  Study, pray, meditate on the ways of God.  When it is your time to spread the Good news the passion inside will not let you do anything but share.  Until then study so you can be ready when God calls you to lead others.


Dear God thank you for sending Jesus.  Thank you for always being with us.  Thank you for healing us from our past and present conditions.  We ask you to be with us as we study your word. Help us grow closer to you. When it is our time to spread the Good News give us the strength and wisdom to share with others.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Christ into your life?  Are you studying the word to get closer to God?  Have you turned your life over to God so that you can find the healing power you need in your life?  Are you ready to reach out to those that need the same healing, forgiving power of God?  What is God asking you to do today?

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