
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Jesus shows compassion

Verses: Luke 7 : 11 - 17

My thoughts about the verses:

Many of us have grown up thinking that God is a vengeful God. That God will get us for the things that we have done in our life.  We feel that we are unworthy of the love and grace that God wants to give us.  We were raised in a situation in which we actually believe that God will smite us for just one small wrong deed.  That God will not reward us if we do any wrong.  That we must do great things to get the reward that is promised to those that are saved.

Yet, look closely at these verses.  No one asked Jesus to heal the man.  No one stopped him and told him the situation.  They did not tell him that the woman was a widow and that her one and only son had died.  Yet, let us look at what Jesus shows compassion to this widow by raising her son from the grave.

Look closely at the scripture this is something that he did not have to do.  Jesus was only going through the town and passed the funeral.  He saw tears and understood that death had brought so much grief that he had to bring back this young man.  It is amazing to think that God understood.  That soon God would feel the same grief that this woman was feeling.  He knew that he too would be going to the cross to die. That people would grieve his death and weep like never before.  Yet, Jesus did the only thing that he knew to do he relieved the pain that this mother was going through.

The lesson that we need to learn is that we need to show compassion to others.  That we do not do it to be rewarded rather we do it because our heart strings are pulled.  I have been living this way of life for several years.  One of the things that I do each year is have my head shaved to help kids that I do not even know be cured from cancer.  If you ever see a child sick you will understand that they are just waiting to find healing.  The one thing that they want more than anything else is to be well and to play and explore the world.  The parents desire the same thing.

I do not know their individual stories, but what I do know is that a child doesn't need to suffer.  I live with my own illnesses and have often desired the same thing.  I know how it is to want just to feel better.  Because of that I show compassion to others around me even if I don't know their story.  There is something rewarding knowing that you are doing something small that will make a difference for so many people.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Thank you for being compassionate.  Thank you for sending Jesus so that we may find everlasting life and love.  Thank you for forgiving our trespasses so that we may live free.  We ask you Dear God to help us become compassionate.  Help us show others the love that you have shown us.  In the name of the Great Physician we pray.  Amen


What have you done that has showed your compassion for others?  Has anyone ever gone out of their way to help you even if you didn't know them?  Have you received the love that God wants to freely give you?  Do you understand God is compassionate?  What do you need to do today to help others?

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