
Monday, January 13, 2014

Build your life on the Rock

Verses: Luke 6 : 46 - 49

My thoughts about the verses:

I know as a kid that these verses led to one of my favorite songs.  The wise man built his house on the rock and the foolish man built his house on sand.  It is easy even for kids to understand.  A life that is built on a strong foundation will survive the storms of life.  A life built without a foundation will never survive the storms of life.

Think of it this way.  If you accept Jesus in your life you are centering your life.  You are building your life on a strong foundation.  When the storms of life come upon you they will not knock you down.  You may sway due to the winds, but your life will not crumble.  You will have an anchor that will keep your grounded and you will be able to deal with things that others see as impossible.

If you choose not to accept Jesus in your life then you have to face the storms of life all by yourself.  There is nothing holding you in place.  The winds and rain will fall on your life and knock you to your knees.  You will not have the ability to handle all the blows that come your way.

The wise person is the one that acknowledges Jesus as the Messiah and asks for forgiveness.  That crucial moment links you forever to the saving grace, rock, you need to live free.  The foolish person hears about Jesus sees what Jesus does in others’ lives but never asks the Messiah in their life.  They have chosen to ignore the need to have God in their life.  They never ask for the free gift of salvation.


Dear God we thank your for the free gift of life.  Thank you God for loving us so much that you gave your life when we did not deserve it.  We ask that you help us ground our life in your love. Help us live a life that helps others find their way to your strong foundation.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Are you standing on a solid rock or a sandy beach?  Have you asked Jesus into your life?  Are you willing to help others build a foundation based on Jesus's love?

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