
Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Tide turns for the Jewish Community

Verses:  Esther  8  : 1 - 17

My thoughts about the verses:

Esther is given everything that was Haman's.  Mordecai is even given the King's ring and a royal crown.  He is placed over the possessions of Haman.  Yet, Esther is still sad.  For the decree has already been set out that will destroy the rest of the Jews.  So she bends down and begs the King to help her people.

The King cannot take back the order that was already given due to customs.  Yet, he tells Esther and Mordecai to make a new law that would help the Jews.  The tide was changing for the Jewish community at this point.  The new law stated that they could fight back if they were attacked. They were allowed to take the possessions of anyone who would attack them.

When the Jewish community heard this there was great rejoicing.  They knew that they would have a fighting chance if they were attacked.  The conquered people would be able to stand up against anyone that came to fight them.  Ironically people that were not Jews were so afraid that they changed and became Jews.  This would be a very strong witness to anyone.  A conquered people were being given the chance to fight back.  How often do we see that in today's society where the marginalized are given the chance to fight back?

I recently watched a documentary on a young woman who went back in to Nazi occupied territory to help the Jewish community.  She had made it out of her country before the Nazi's took over power.  She made it to Israel and to a group of people that were going to fight back and help all they could.  She became only one of three female paratroopers from this newly formed group of soldiers.  They landed in an unoccupied country and had to safely make it across the border to help as many people as they could escape before the country was overthrown by the Nazis.  Yet, through miscommunication she did not make it.  Turns out she and the rest of the group were three days late.

When she was captured she was tortured along with her mother.  She ended up dying in a Nazi camp.  Yet, her heroics and bravery were remembered well past her time.  Finally after several decades her body was returned to Israel where she was properly laid to rest.  Just imagine how brave you would have to be to try and save a community when there are only a handful of people with you.  That is true heroism.

There are many other stories of heroism around the world.  There are many stories where one or two people have overcome great battles to help those less fortunate.  To help the people those are forgotten. Their stories are much like the events happening in the book of Esther.  This was a small minority group that was just trying to survive.  They had been held captive for so many years yet they still held on to their religious beliefs.  They won the right to fight back because of two brave souls. Two people who were put in the right place at the right time to serve God.


Dear beloved Savior we thank you for your sacrifice on the cross.  We thank you for loving us so much that you put your life second so that we may live.  We ask right now that you help us stand up to injustice in the world.  Help us be witnesses to people that are struggling.  Let our voices unite so that people do not have to live in tyranny and fear.  In the name of the most High we pray. Amen


Have you ever helped someone who was struggling?  Have you ever accepted the call to protect those less fortunate?  Are you willing to arm yourself with truth and justice?  Will you step out in faith today to help those that are persecuted around the world?  Are you following Christ example in the way that you interact with the world?

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