
Friday, November 1, 2013

Haman is faced with bad Karma

Verses: Esther  7 : 5 - 10

My thoughts about the verses:

Esther shared with Xerxes that the man who was going to kill her and her family was Haman. Immediately the King jumps out and walks out of the room.  He reached his boiling point.  This man that he had given power to had overstepped all of the boundaries.  He had gone as far as plotting the death of his own Queen.

Now to be true to Haman he didn't know that Esther was a Jew.  Yet, his arrogance had gotten the best of him.  He had allowed his pride to surface and over take his correct reaction to Mordecai. He took it too far.  He just didn't want Mordecai to pay for the humiliation that he faced.  He wanted Mordecai to suffer the same pain that he was experiencing.  The only way to do it was to kill everyone that he loved.

All of a sudden he is faced with the fact that the Queen is one of those people.  He has in a roundabout way sentenced the Queen to death.  When Xerxes walked out of the door he knew his life was as good as over.  So he falls down on the couch where Esther is laying to beg his life.  The King enters and accuses him of trying to attack the Queen in his very presence.  So the mood goes from bad to gloomy.

The servants come in and kill Haman on the spot.  Then they tell Xerxes of a hanging post that has been built near Haman's house.  Haman was placed on the same post that was supposed to be used to hang Mordecai. How ironic it seems that Xerxes tells his servants to hang Haman's body on the post to show others not to betray the King.

This harsh punishment might seem difficult for some people to understand.  Yet, if we look at current events we can find instances where this has occurred.  My mind is wandering to recent events in Syria.  In which two sides are in conflict with each other.  There are no barriers to what is occurring.  Innocent adults and children are suffering because of two political views fighting.  The costs of the battle have been many lives lost.

Is this not what was happening at this moment and time in the bible.  You have two men that are in disagreement with each other.  The one with the most power plots to kill the weaker side.  The leader teams up with the ruling government to kill an entire group he disagrees with.  Yet, in the end he faces his own death because his injustice was discovered.  Looking at the situation in Syria and other parts of the world we can see where injustice is not being tolerated.  Hopefully soon the world will see that you have to let go of your arrogance and pride.  That compromise is the only way to truly be a successful world.


Dear God we want to thank you for giving us the strength to get through the hard times of our life. We thank you for being there through all of our struggles.  We ask now that you help us put our pride to the side so that we can get along with others.  We ask that you help us fight the injustice that we see in the world.  We pray that you keep us from doing harm to others because we feel that they have shunned us.  Lord we know that you are a mighty God and we ask that you protect us and keep us safe.  In the Name of the Creator we pray.  Amen


Have you fought the injustice that you see in the world?  Do you pray for strength to deal with the struggles you have?  Are you being arrogant or are you being humble in the position of leadership that you have been granted?  Are you living like Jesus taught?  Have you ever helped someone who was being bullied?  What can you do today to make the world a more just place to live?

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