
Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Symbolism of Baptism

Verses: Romans 6 : 1 - 14

My thoughts about the verses:

Baptism is an outward sign of accepting the new life that Christ has given us.  It also symbolizes the death of our old sinful life.  The baptism is a symbol because there are times that you are not able to go through baptism before passing away.  Yet, if you believe that God has forgiven you of your sins you will still get to Heaven.   I always go back to the thief on the cross.  He was not baptized, but was promised that he would be joining Jesus in the promise land.

With that I want to explain the symbolism that happens when we go through baptism.  The very first thing that happens is a person gives them self to the judge, pastor or other person performing ceremony.  This is the same even that happened to Jesus as the soldiers take him to the high priest. The priest begins questioning Jesus so that they can find him guilty.  When a person gets baptized they are generally asked if they believe in Jesus.  Do they want to have a relationship with the Savior?  Are they affirming that they love God?   The questions are different but the symbolism exists.  We must commit to the promise that we are getting ready to take.

Then when we enter the water we are experiencing the death of our old self.  This death is the same thing that happened to Jesus.  Jesus died on the cross.  When we go into the water what we are symbolizing is the death of the old ways.  We are washing ourselves in the cleansing water of Jesus.

Then there is the time you stay in the water.  Those moments under the water are you burial of the old ways.  You are leaving all your sins behind.  You are leaving the sins behind you are burying them in the water.  Jesus carried the sins of the entire world to the grave.  We are symbolically being buried with Jesus as we stay under the water.

As we emerge we come out anew.  The things that had driven us to a death that would not end have been stripped away.  We are now free of the burdens of our sin and are raised like Christ.  We are to walk out of the water leaving all that we carried behind.  As we come out of the water we are symbolizing the resurrection of Christ.

It doesn't matter if you are sprinkled or your body is fully emerged.  Through the process you are acknowledging the power of God.  You are stating that you want a new life.  That you want your old ways stripped away.  You want to walk into your new life without the sins that have weighed you down.  The symbolism is what we must understand.  The new life is ours not because anything we have done but, rather we are cleansed because of Jesus's actions.


Dear God we thank you for sending Jesus to cleanse our sins.  We thank you for perishing on the cross. We thank you for taking and leaving our sins in the grave.  We praise you for rising out of the grave so that we can have everlasting life.  We ask that you help us give our lives over to you.  In your Holy Name we Pray.  Amen


Have you accepted that Jesus died for your sins?  Have you trusted that your sins are forever gone because of the power of God?  Are you holding onto something that you need to give over to Jesus?  Are you willing to tell others about Jesus.  Do you understand how baptism is a symbol of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus?

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