
Monday, November 18, 2013

A Relationship with God is a Deep Spiritual Commitment

Verses: Romans 7 : 1 - 6

My thoughts about the verses:

A relationship with God is an everlasting commitment.  Once you accept Christ as your savior you are making a lifelong commitment to be one with God.  You are not to stray from that commitment by worshiping other things.  See Jesus wants us to have a strong relationship with him. In some aspects you are marrying yourself to God and the ways of God.

Think of it like this.  If you are married to someone that does a lot of community work, don't you also get involved in their projects.   When things are going good you celebrate with each other.  When things get difficult and stress you work with each other to solve the problem.  See being married to someone is committing that you will stand by their side through the easy times and the hard times.

When you unite with God in a committed relationship you are to leave behind all the things that were bad habits.  The sins that you committed in the past are forgotten.  You are now to walk hand in hand with God.  Doing the work of God is your new commitment in life.  You have a partner that will walk with you and celebrate when things are going good.  You also have someone that will carry the weight when the struggles get hard.  The more you work with God and not against God the stronger the relationship will be.

See God has set us an example of how we are to truly live.  We are to make sure that the relationships that we are in are based on deep commitment.  Those commitments should help us keep God in the center of our lives.  When one of the parties is living in sin and the other is living for God the commitment needed to make the relationship work is only one sided.  The person that is living in sin is like a dead person.  The person that is living in obedience to God is alive. Therefor it is only natural for the person that is alive and committed to God to leave the situation in which they are with a dead person.

Here is a good example you have a man who is physically abusing his wife and kids. The wife is a devout Christian who wants nothing more to serve God.  The husband acts out violently every time she goes to church or does things to help others.  The husband has no desire whatsoever to serve God.  Therefor the woman has the right according to the new law to leave her husband because in all reality he is figuratively dead because of his sins.  Yet, in many churches people use the old law.  They say if the woman leaves the husband and divorces him and then remarries a Godly man she is committing adultery.  Yet, if you look at the underlying truth she has left her old self behind because of her commitment to God.  Her relationship with her new husband is one that is centered in God and both are alive.

This is much like the situation that I am in.  I am one of many who live in a place that will not allow me to be legally married.  I can go off to a faraway state to have something that others are freely given.  As I saw DOMA being strike down by the Supreme Court my heart jumped for joy. Then reality set in I could not have it because I lived in the wrong state.  We are both  deeply devoted to God.  The true center of our commitment is to God and doing the will of God.  The old law is now turned into a new law saying that our relationship is not pure.  Yet, in reality our love is actually blessed by God because we are evenly yoked.  It doesn't matter our gender what really matters is that our desire is to have a relationship that benefits God.

I am not alone in wondering how long it will take for people to see that committed relationships are biblical based.  That love is not based on what gender someone is but how your heart feels when you are around them.  See God loved us even when we were against him.  Jesus didn't die for the righteous.  Jesus died for the sinners of the world.  See God understood that relationships and commitments went deeper than outward appearances.  That true committed relationships come from deep down in the soul.


Dear God we thank you for Dying for us even when we didn't deserve it.  We thank you for loving us and desiring a long lasting relationship with us.  We praise you for your patience and the love you give each one of us.  Dear God we ask now that you help us grow in our relationship with you. Help us love you as much as you love us.  In the Name of the Our Loving Savior we pray.  Amen


Do you have a relationship with God?  Have you committed to dedicate your life to the work of God?  Are you willing to take on the good deeds that God desires from you?  Are you willing to put the old ways behind and take on a new self?  Are you showing others how to live with a true developed relationship with Christ?

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