
Monday, November 25, 2013

The Chosen Children of God

Verses: Romans 9 : 1 - 13

My thoughts about the verses:

It’s difficult for many of us to understand this part of the scripture.  We need to look deeper at the verses and see what is being said is that God has chosen who shall be the true Jewish community.
Not everyone that claims to be Jewish is truly of the Jewish community.  There was a lineage that led down one path for the true Jewish group.

Yet, there is even a deeper meaning that this.  There are those that claim to be Christian that is truly not Children of God.  Just because you profess to be a Christian does not make you a true Christian.  If you have not accepted Jesus in your life as your Risen Savior then you are not a true Christian.  Anyone that has accepted Jesus in their life can profess the lineage of forgiveness through Christ.

You have to understand that at the time this was written there was a major debate about how can Gentiles truly is children of God.  The thought that a lot of the Jewish community had was that the Messiah had come to help his chosen people.  Those people were to be the Jews.  Now the apostles are going out and teaching that the Messiah had come to save the entire world both Jew and Non-Jew.  They felt that this was a mistake because surely the true Messiah would have come to liberate them.

Take a moment and think about this in today's culture.   I know many groups that think that they are the only people going to Heaven.  That God chose them and the way they worship is the only way.  They make a judgment call on who truly is a child of God.  They forget that God chooses all to be part of the family.  Yet, although all have been chosen only a few will fully accept Jesus in their life.

The choice in having God in your heart is you’re to make.  You can profess with your mouth all that you want that you are a child of God.  Yet, if you do not fully take on a Christ centered life you are not one of God's children.

People are like a rose.  Those that accept Jesus in their life will open and blossom into beautiful flowers.  Those that do not are trapped in the state of a small bud.  They are on the cusp of being a brilliant creation yet, because they have not committed to Christ they have not blossomed.  The rose and bud both have thorns, sins, on them.  Yet, the rose that has blossomed has a fragrance and a sense of beauty like none other.  The thorns that surround the bud while it is growing are now seen as part of the stem.  Touching the stem will prick the finger but touching a blossoming flower only brings peace and calmness.  Those that are like the bud have a shield of thorns that are around the blossom preventing it from opening and show its radiance.  Unlike the rose those that have the thorns, sins around them will only become part of the chosen when they decide to allow God in their heart.  The rose bud is actually protected by the thorns so that it can grow into the beautiful flower.

The lesson that we can take away is that God desires each one of us to blossom into the true Christian that we all have deep rooted in our soul.  Some of us will accept God's calling and will open and produce great good.  While others will profess to be Christians but their hearts are not truly committed to God so their beauty never shows.  They could easily blossom into the Children God wants them to be.  Yet, they never blossom because they do not ask God in their heart so that the spirit can come in and bring the saving grace that allows them to become children of God.  Instead they cling to their sin and stand among it instead of walking out of their sin and allowing it to be a thing of the past.


Dear God we thank you for choosing us to be the true heirs of salvation.  We thank you for sending Jesus to release us from our sins and ultimate death.  We praise you for coming into our hearts so that we may have a peace and stillness to our Spirit.  We honor you with our lives as we blossom day after day into the children that you want us to become.  Help us forget the past so that we may move forward into your new life.  Help us become the people that you desire us to become.  Help us understand that there are many different people chosen by you to be children of the Risen Savior.  Let us always be reminded that we are not the only reason that you came to Earth.  You truly came so that all could blossom and have everlasting life.  In you name we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Christ in your life?  Are you showing the radiant beauty that comes from being a chosen child of God?  Do you understand that people from many traditions will inherit the salvation that comes through true love of Christ?  Are you helping those around you to move away from their sinful selves and find their inner beauty by witnessing about God?  Are you limiting the power of God to your own ways of worshiping?  What can you do today to help others?

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