
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nothing in Life or Death can Separate us from God if we allow God to live within us

Verses: Romans 8 : 28 - 39

My thoughts about the verses:

I find great comfort from these verses.  It affirms that if we have faith and trust in God nothing can separate us from that relationship.  It does not matter what we face, what others say about us, what things that we do, we are always in God's loving arms.  God knew that we would be tempted in this world yet, the death and resurrection of Jesus protects us from even our own self destruction.

We should not fear death or those things that come up against us in our life.  With accepting the Holy Spirit in your life you are protected from all things.  Nothing can remove you from the love of God.  We are all chosen by God to be children.  Some will chose this role while others will push it away.  Those that accept to be God's children will live in light every day of their life.

God's angels will protect you and give you strength when the road gets difficult.  You have the healing power of grace bestowed on your life.  Even though we all face death every day as long as Christ is in the center of your life you have nothing to fear.  You will find that God will be with you in those dark moments when you have struggles.

Jesus protects us when we are faced with hard times.  We are conquerors of life and death through the cleansing power of God.  When things seem impossible nothing can break the relationship you have with Christ.  Though you may struggle with life's trials you are guaranteed that glory will come through it.  See God only wants us to trust in the blessings that are ours through the one that has died to remove all our sins and worries.  We are now children of the most high through the cleansing blood of the lamb.

I struggle daily with chronic illnesses.  There are days that just getting out of bed is a struggle. There are many days that I live with pounding headaches and vertigo that spins me to the ground.  Yet, through it all  I know I am not walking this path alone.  When I am at my weakest, I quickly feel the presence of God in my life.  Even though I struggle I know that God is carrying me through the tough parts.  When I am at my weakest God is at his strongest in my soul.

You never have to worry about things separating you from God.  When you are at your lowest point in life you need to rely on God.  You need to trust that nothing can take you away from God that loves you.  We face death each and every day of our life.  Yet, even at our death we are victorious because we then are able to join our Savior in Heaven.


Dear God we thank you for being with us through all our struggles in life.  We thank you for never leaving our side no matter what happens.  We praise you for sending Jesus to be the sacrificial lamb that cleansed  our sins.  We ask right now God for your peace.  Help us live with a spirit of confidence.  Knowing that you are always there and nothing can separate us from you and the gift that has freely been given to us.  In you Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Have you ever been afraid that you are alone in the World?  Have you accepted God into your heart?  Have you felt like God has abandoned you in your times of struggle?  Are you willing to accept the promise that God will never leave you?  Are you willing to share that promise with others?

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