
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

What Would You Do?

Verses:  Matthew 4:18-22

My thoughts about the verses:

If you have ever gone fishing you know about the amount of time that you sit there never catching a fish.  You might not even get a single bite.  Yet, there is something realizing about being out in God’s nature.  In some ways it doesn’t even matter if you catch anything because of the fresh air and the beauty around you.

Other days you go fishing and every time you throw in the line you catch a fish.  It doesn’t matter what kind of bait.  Often times you learn that you have landed into a school of fish.  Some of the fish you pull out are so little that you immediately throw them back.  Then some of the fish are so bit that you either keep it or take a picture with it. 

Those big fish are the ones that create our fish stories.  We love telling people about the big fish that we either caught or got away.  We want people to know just how great we are at fishing. 

These four men knew that feeling.  Their job was to cast nets day in and day out to feed their families.  They had a job that they thought was the most important one that they could ever have.  Then one day a man they didn’t know comes to the water and tells them to come with them.  What would you have done?

Immediately they leave their job and families and go with Jesus.  They do not know their future.  They do not know what will happen to their families.  All they knew is that they must follow.  Their heart was stirred.  They followed their spirit and went freely of their own will.  What would you have done?

They didn’t know what they were going to do in this point of their life.  It didn’t matter they just knew they had to follow.  It is only after they start following Jesus that they are told they would become fisherman of people.  They didn’t question this new calling.  They didn’t turn back and run back to their boats.  What would you have done?

This story has a lot to do with our lives.  Jesus calls us all to come and follow.  Those that accept that call have a stirring in their spirit.  They have realized that they need Jesus in their life.  When we go and follow Jesus we are actually turning our lives over to God.  Accepting the gift of salvation and turning away from our evil ways in life.

Then the calling is placed on our life.  We are called to serve God.  We are to become fishers of people.  We are to tell people our story.  We are to share the love that God has placed on our life. 

Yet, here is where things get touchy there are two choices to make when you are called by Jesus to come and follow.  First you need to choose if you are going to acknowledge your need for Jesus in your life.  Do you accept that you need the gift of salvation or do you think you do not need Jesus in your life?  Secondly, those that do accept Jesus in their life have to choose if they are going to do the calling placed on their heart.  Do you blindly trust Jesus will guide you where you need so that you can fulfill your calling or do you choose not to do what you are called to do?  What Do You Do the choices are yours?


Dear God we praise you.  We thank you for calling us to come follow you.  We thank you for the free gift of salvation.  We thank you for the putting a calling in our hearts.  We ask that you guide us.  Help us be the people that you have called us to be.  In the name of the True Fisherman of People we pray.  Amen


You have the choice now.  You can choose to ask Jesus to come in your life and forgive you of your sins.  You can choose to follow the calling God has placed on your heart.  What do you do?

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