
Monday, July 13, 2015

Jesus is the fulfilment of the Law

Verses:  Matthew 5:17-20

My thoughts about the verses:

We need to look back to the law.  The law was written in a time when a new nation was being formed.  The book of Leviticus is directions put in place to ensure that the Jewish community would flourish as they started growing as a community. We have to remember this as we hear the words from Jesus.

Many of the people who were listening to the stories were Jews.  There were many in the community that not only believed in the laws of Leviticus they also practiced the rules that the Pharisees and Sadducees had established.  They believed that if they stayed within law they were pleasing God.

At the time sacrifices were made to cleanse them from the wrong they had done.  The sacrificial animal’s blood is what was needed for the cleansing of the people’s sin.  We have to understand the role Jesus played in this sacrament of the Jewish community. 

We have to go back to the story of Abraham and his son Isaac.  God called Abraham to take his son and sacrifice him as an offering to God.  Abraham out of his faith took Isaac to offer him up to God.  Yet, God was only testing his faith.  God provided a ram for that sacrifice.

Yet, if we look back at it from a different perspective we can understand how Jesus fulfilled the law.  The law required blood to cleanse the world.  Abraham showed through his faith what the final fulfillment of the law would be.  God would have to send the son to be the fulfillment of the law. 

Jesus’s blood paid the final atonement for the whole world.  Just like Abraham had faith in God when he took Isaac to the altar we have to have that faith in Jesus.  Imagine how hard it would be to let your son die for people who were unclean.  Yet, knowing through that sacrifice they would become clean.  Abraham had experienced it yet he was stopped.  Therefor he grew stronger in his faith for he knew that God would provide.

Today we need to understand that God did provide that last sacrifice.  Jesus will be there for anyone who will accept the gift Jesus is offering. Once you accept Jesus into your life your sins are forever forgiven and forgotten by God.  God no longer sees you as unclean.  You can come straight to God for all of your needs because you have the blood of the lamb cleansing your life.

There are so many who need to feel that cleansing power.  Yet, they do not understand that all it takes is faith.  They try so many ways to follow a set of laws.  They try to do the right thing.  They put themselves on a pedestal and believe that they have done enough good in life.  Yet, they lack faith in the power of Jesus.  They believe that they can do it all by themselves.  Yet, if they would just accept Jesus in their life things would change forever. 

Yet, Jesus tells us that the law was to be followed until the law was fulfilled.  The moment Jesus went to the cross the last sacrifice was fulfilled.  When Jesus rose from the grave the law ended.  Jesus became the lamb that gave his life willingly so that we may have eternal life.  God provided the lamb for us just like he provided the ram for Abraham. 

We can embrace this or we can choose not to.  This is the only thing left for us to do to have eternal life.  We have a choice to make.  We do not have to make sacrifices because the blood has cleansed all that will say yes to Jesus.  Giving your life over to Jesus allows the cleansing blood to cover all your sins. 


Dear God we praise you for your love.  We thank you for your sacrifice.  We praise you for your sacrifice of the perfect lamb.  We ask that you come into our life and cleanse us.  Help us be the people that you want in our life.  In the name of the Law Fulfiller we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted God in your life?  Have your shared your gift of salvation with others around you?  

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