
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

No Matter What Possessions You Gain On Earth, You Will Not Have Them After You Die

Verses:  Ecclesiastes 5:8-20

My thoughts about the verses:

We come into this world with nothing.  It doesn’t matter if you are born into a rich family or a poor family.  The moment that you are born you own nothing.  You come into this world with nothing. 

Most people spend the rest of their life trying to get things.  They work hard to get the newest electronic gadgets.  They buy the biggest houses that they can afford.  They work to buy expensive cards.  They attempt to get the finest things money can buy. 

Yet, when you work to get things you are always looking to get more.  Nothing we get ever seems to be good enough.  You are constantly trying to get more and more.  People spend their whole life trying to get things that are better than everyone else.

Yet, what do you get when you spend your whole life trying to obtain things?  It is very easy to get caught in this constant trap.  Your entire life becomes like a merry-go round.   Life becomes a constant circle that never ends.  Once you get the newest thing there is always something else on the market.  You can never own everything that you want, because there is always something more to get.

Eventually you find out that it wasn’t worth it.  Some people are lucky and they get off the Merry-Go round when they are young.  Others do not find out until their older that they wasted their energy trying to get all they could.  Others find out when they lose everything that they didn’t need the things that they had.  Others do not find out until they are dying that what they needed wasn’t possessions.

See what we need in life isn’t the material things that we can get.  Those things pass away.  We find that what we really needed in life was love.  The things that are most important to have are not able to be bought.  

The thing that we need more in life is something that we cannot get on our own.  The most important thing is a gift that is more important than any other gift we can receive.  The gift comes directly from God.  The gift that we can have comes with no strings attached.  We are not expected to do anything in return.

Jesus went to the cross so that we could all freely receive the gift of eternal life.  The only thing that we have to do is ask Jesus to come in our life.  When we ask Jesus in our life we are forgiven of all our sins.  When we ask Jesus to come in and take away our sins we are guaranteed the gift of everlasting life.  We experience something that no one can give us.  We receive the gift of unconditional love. 

We will not be able to take anything with us.  The things that we worked so hard to get will be left here.  We will return to the grave like we came into the world.  There is an exception to this statement.  Anyone that has asked Jesus into their life will go to the next world with the gift of eternal life.  Those that do not ask Jesus in their life will leave this world with nothing.  This is the only truth that we are guaranteed. 


We praise God for you unconditional love.  We praise you for loving us when we did not deserve it.  We praise you for giving us the gift of eternal life.  Help us open our hearts up to you.  We ask that you forgive us from our sins.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the gift of eternal life?  Have you asked Jesus into your life? What do you need to do today? 

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