
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Life Under Siege

Verses:  Ecclesiastes 9:13-18

My thoughts about the verses:

This scripture talks about the wisdom one man gave to a town to save them from a siege.  The villagers were able to overcome the situation because the poor man who was wise outsmarted a foolish king.  Yet, the sad part is that no one knows the man’s name.  They remember him more for being a poor man instead of a man that saved the whole city.

Our lives are much like this city we are under siege from various attackers.  Some of the attackers are actual people.  Other attackers are the transgressions that we ourselves have committed.  Sometimes the attackers come from a source that we cannot identify.  Yet, we have to remember that we have to be wise in all of these attacks.

I want to start with an attack that is close to my heart and body.  There are many of us that are under siege by chronic diseases.  We feel as if we are fighting a no win situation.  We deal with pain, nausea, and fatigue.  We feel as if our bodies are fighting against us and there is this desire to give up and let it win.  Then there is that drive to prove that we can survive.  The push is to be victorious over the diseases that siege our body.  It is those moments that we wisely ask God for help.  We ask for God to help us with our pains.  We ask God to guide us.  We ask God to be with us and assist us through our disease.  We forget the siege and concentrate on the victory which comes from God.
The second attacker that I want to talk about is the sieges that come from people.  People try to convince us that we are less than human.  We have people who judge us and try to make us doubt our relationship with God.  We have people that physically and emotionally sabotage us and our life.  We deal with people that use the word of God against us.  Yet, a wise person knows that God loves them no matter what.  It doesn’t matter what people say God is there for all that ask Jesus in their life.  We have to look at things through the eyes of a wise person.  Accepting that people may be against you but they can never completely take control of you as long as you have God.  We have to walk with our eyes focused on God so that we can overcome the daily attacks by the outside world.

The last attacker is we.  Now this is the harder attacker to defend ourselves against.  We do things each day that put a wedge between our relationship with God and ourselves.  We allow the words of others to feel our minds with thoughts of separation from the most high.  We allow stress to feel our minds with worry and doubt.  We fear that we will push God away because of who we are.  We have to understand that we have a power higher than us that can help us through this battle.  We are not fighting this alone.  God does not push us away.  

We have to remember that when God is with us nothing can separate us from God.  God doesn’t look at who we are God only asks for us to believe.  When we believe then we have the shield that we need to fight all of our attackers.  We have to go wisely into battle knowing that God loves us.  We have to believe with our heart and mind that God will always be there no matter what. 

When we make these wise decisions we are like the poor wise man.  Though we are surrounded by many attackers with have the strength to overcome.  We can wisely choose to follow God throughout our life.  We can accept that no matter what happens God will be there with us.  We need to wisely make our choices and listen to what God says to us.  In the end, we learn that it was our faith that led us to the victories that we achieve.  The wisest decision that anyone can make is to accept God. 


We thank you God for your love.  We praise you for always being with us.  Help us to make wise decisions.  Help us to remember that you are always there with us.  Help us remember that we need you in our life.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Have you made the wise choice to accept God in your life?  Do you have the knowledge that God is with you in all things?   Are you willing to make wise choices each and every day?

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