
Thursday, March 26, 2015

One Body Through Christ

Verses:  Ephesians 4: 1-16
My thoughts about the verses:

We have to remember that Jesus is the unification of the Church.  We are united as one body through the love of the Messiah.  Each part of the body of Church is led to do certain things to edify the Creator of the Church.

We look at others that claim to be Christian and try to decide if their life shows Christ.  We want to judge others because their way of doing things is much different that the way we serve God.  We come to the conclusion that they are not serving God in the right way.

Paul makes it very clear that we are all given gifts that we need to use.  Certain people are called to go into pastoral membership.  Others are called into laity ministry.  No group is better than the other.  We have to remember that whatever God calls you to do you must do with all of your heart.  When you do what you are called to do you bring glory to God?

We need to work together instead against each other.  The body of Christ can only grow stronger and reach more of the world if it is united.  People are often pushed away from Go because they see churches that have internal fighting.  Others run away from God because of the different teachings that denominations teach.

We have to be united in the mystery of Jesus.  We have to share love above all things.  We need to tell people the good news.  We might not agree on other issues yet, we must believe in the love of the Most High.

If you feel that you are not able to get along with other Christians you need to evaluate your life.  Is there something that you hold higher than the Church?  Are you living the ministry is calling you to do.  Are you living a non-Christian life?  We have to evaluate our hearts and ask God what you are called to do.

We need to break the walls between denominations.  God did not cause this split it was humankind that decided that there were differences between one group and another.  God had created one Church.  One theology, one hope yet we have to understand that it is up to us to try our best to unite people that have different theologies. 

We are the body.  We are Jesus to the world.  Stand united so that we are able to bring more people to the beloved Savior.  Reach outside the walls unite with other groups.  Put you differences aside and join in the calling of sharing the story of Christ life, death and resurrection.


O Holy God we praise you.  We thank you God for giving us the hope of eternal life.  Help us reach out to people that are different to us.  Help us not judge.  Help us accept the ministry calling that you have placed in our life.  In the name of the Almighty God we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Christ in your life?  Have you accepted the ministry that God has placed on your heart?  Have you tried to reach out to people that are different from you to reunite the Church body under the Love and peace of Jesus.

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