
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Becoming Instruments of God

Verses: Daniel 2 : 46 - 49

My thoughts about the verses:

You have to remember that Nebuchadnezzar worshipped several gods.  This is something that many people have done in the future and the present day.  The problem is that none of the gods were able to do everything.  The gods also demand a sacrifice to be pleased.  It was believed that without the sacrifice they would face hardships.

The example of polytheism we can most identify took place during the time of the Roman Empire.  There were 20 major gods that had temples built for them throughout the land.  Many times individuals would consider one of the gods their personal deity and would build statues to put in their own homes.  They made sacrifices to please the gods so that they would not become angry and do things that would harm them.  They also gave gifts of sacrifice when the gods answered their prayers.

Christians, Jews, Muslims and several other religions worship one God this is called Monotheism.  Some monotheism religions sacrifice animals that are the best of their herd to worship God.  Their sacrifices were not to an angry vengeful God.  Instead the sacrifices were meant to worship God for the blessings that were given.  Christians believe that the true sacrifice was Jesus on the cross.  Christians believe this sacrifice was the last and only sacrifice that needed to happen to given them everlasting life.

God worked through Daniel to help him interpret the dream that Nebuchadnezzar had.  This interpretation let Nebuchadnezzar state that Daniel’s God was the God of gods.  Imagine hearing someone who was Polytheistic stating that God was the one true God.  We have to remember that this happened because Daniel told them that he was used as a vessel of God to bring the interpretation of the dream.

It is also interesting that Nebuchadnezzar promoted Daniel.  Think on this a moment Daniel was a captive that was chosen to learn with the sages of the kingdom of Babylon.  That in itself was a gift that God bestowed on Daniel.  Now Daniel was moved to one of the highest spots of the kingdom.  Then he requested that Nebuchadnezzar appoint Shadrach,  Meshach and Abednego  to a higher spot in Babylon.  At the same time Daniel state in the King’s court.

I want us to remember that Daniel did not claim that he was able to do it one his own.  That he was just an instrument that God used.  Daniel trusted God so much that he had gone to prayer to ask god to interpret the dream.  That night God heard his prayers and gave him the information that he needed.

We need to take this lesson to heart.  We can become instruments of God.  We need to not only talk the talk but we need to walk the walk.  Simply we need our lives so that others can come to accept God as the one true God.  We need to remember to pray to God when we need help.  We need to praise God when our prayers are answered.

We have to remember that God is the strength that we have each day to survive.  God is the one that blesses us.  Therefor we need to help the poor, the hungry, the sick, the thirsty and the lonely.  Basically we need to live open ourselves up to help those that need God in their life.  We need to be Jesus to someone today.


Dear God we thank you for all you have done in our lives.  We praise you.  We offer up our lives to you.  Help us become instruments of peace and love to the world.  Help us live the life that we need to live as Christians.  We ask that you walk with us every day so that people can see Jesus in our life.  In the name of the Jesus we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted God in your life?  Have you asked God to use you as an instrument? 
Do you take the time to help those in need.  Do you live your life so others can lead others to the Holy One?

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