
Thursday, February 26, 2015

People can Never Demand More than God can Do

Verses: Daniel 2 : 1 - 16

My thoughts about the verses:

Power can go to someone’s head.  They can come to think that they deserve things immediately.  They use their power to force others to do things that seem impossible.  When their desire isn’t completed like they want they react irrationally.

I am thinking about the time when the Taliban ran wild in Afghanistan.  They set rules that seemed possible.  Women were not allowed to go to school.  They also had to wear full coverings.  The Taliban ruled with an iron fist.  They would punish people that went against their rules.  The gun was the weapon of choice.  There was no compromise. 

Imagine being in a place where if you disagreed with the political power you faced death. This was the way people lived in Afghanistan.  Simple acts that were against the Taliban rules led to severe punishment.  They ruled the people by fear.  They also pushed people to believe their take of Islam.  If people did not agree they faced death. 

Nebuchadnezzar also led with this type of power.  You did what he said or you faced death.  He pushed the people to do things that were impossible.   At this moment and time he wanted the sages to tell him his dream.  It wasn’t enough to interpret the dream.  He thought they could lie about the interpretation if they could not tell him what he dreamed.  The wise men could not tell him the dream.  He called for their death. 

Daniel goes to him and says give me some time and I will tell you what you ask.  Now many of us are probably thinking that he is just trying to stall the inevitable.  Yet, Daniel knew that he had a power on his side bigger than the King.  Daniel knew that God would help him so that he could live. 

We experience this type of situations in different ways.  Some of us have a boss that demands things which are impossible to accomplish.  Some of us have teachers that demand more than we can do.  Some have parents or other family members that demand a lot more than they should.   We need to remember in these situations that God will help us if we call on the Most High.

Remember that you need to keep yourself in check.  Do not ask others to do more than you are willing to do.  When you ask for something to be done make sure that you understand if it is not done in the time frame you have given.  Remember that sometimes it takes more time to do something that you expect.  Be there to help those that you have authority over if it is needed.  When you help those around you, you build relationships that will benefit in the future.


We praise you for loving us.  We thank you for our strength.  Help us when we are faced with the impossible.  Help us overcome the obstacles that come our way.  Help us not allow power come to our head.   In the name of the Redeemer we pray.  Amen


Have you been faced with people that demand the impossible from you?  Have you turned the situation over to God?  Are you letting power get to your head?  Do you need to ask God to help you not hurt others with your authority?

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