
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Spiritual Parentage

Verses: Psalms 127: 1 - 5

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

This is a hard Psalm for those of us that do not have children to take on as our promise.  Many of us do not have children not out of choice but out of circumstances.  People may have tried for years to have children and have none of their own.  You may be like me and be in a relationship where having a child can be stopped because of lack of funding to pull off the perfect miracle.

I am writing this as a Lesbian that wanted children more than anything else in my life.  I would have done anything to have a little one of my own.  I tried for years to have that special little one in my life.  I now know that God knew better and had plans for me that I would never know about.

See I am a Mom.  I don’t have a little one that looks up to me with those eyes and says I love you mom.  Yet, I have a lot of little ones that I have made an impact on.  Some of them are older than me.  Some are yet to come.  See God has used me as a spiritual parent.  Now this may be a new concept to you but it is something that God gave me as a gift.

See God has allowed me to teach people about the love of God.  I was given the wisdom and knowledge needed to spread the word of Salvation.  Each person in my life that heard those words has a little bit of me in them.  The day they accept Christ in their life I take on a parental role.  I have to be the perfect model to help them understand the love of God. 

See God uses us just where we are.  We might not be able to do the things that we thought but we are instruments for God to use.  We can touch so many lives throughout our entire life.  I am sitting here right now with a big smile on my face thinking back to some of the kids that I have seen grows up.

I have spiritual kid’s that would make any mom proud.  I think about the young ones that decided to teach Sunday school because of their contact with me as a youth minister.  I am thinking about the ones that became missionaries because I had told them to spread the good news.  I know that I am not the only reason that they have done the things that they have done yet, I do know I had a small part.  I know that God gave me the ability to have more kids than I ever would have been able to have on my own.

In fact, right now there is someone that is reading this that felt that same loss that I did when I didn’t have a child of my own.  They are sitting there right now with a smile on their face.  They are thinking about all the lives that they have touched.  They are already planning how to touch other lives. 

You ask how I know because they are just like me.  If you are a spiritual parent remember your job is never done.  You have a lot of work to do.  You have a lot to share with the world.  Take time to smile and then get back at it.  Just think what all we can do with God allowing us to be spiritual parents to the future Christians of the world?


We thank you God for answered prayers.  We thank you for fulfilling our dreams when we were not even seeing it.  We thank you God for using us to share your love with the world.  Help us be the spiritual parents that you desire us to be.  Help us never cease in sharing your love with those that are in need.  In the name of the Heavenly Parent we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted your challenge?  Are you ready to lead people to the cross?  Are you ready to show people a reflection of Jesus through your life?

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