
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

God is Our Keeper

Verses: Psalms 121: 1 - 8

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

We are all experiencing a time when our communities are struggling.  In some areas of the world protest are happening due to racial and homophobic ideas.  In other areas of the world battles are occurring over religious beliefs.  In other areas of the world people are struggling with little or no food or medicine.  We are going through so much that we often forget the protection we have in God.

We have a God that never sleeps.  A Good Shepherd that is guarding the flock no matter where they are in the world.  We have a God that loves us in our times of struggle.  God loves us in our times of fear and despair.

Imagine how it must be to struggle without God’s assistance.  A time when life seems impossible and you cannot find hope.  You are struggling with just getting by and that is not going well.  You fear that you might not make it to the end of the day.

God is our strength and our shield.  God protects us when we feel that life is not going our way.  We have no reason to be afraid of our next moment.  We may struggle but we have hope because Jesus is in our life.

The first step to having peace in your life is to understand the strength of God.  God created all things and in all things we see the strength of God.  God is the only thing we need in our lives to feel free and safe.  We might have struggles yet when you have God on your side peace is in your spirit.

God does not ever abandon us.  We have this fear that we will be left alone.  We fear will never have companions if we do not accept anyone that likes us as a friend.  Yet, what we miss is that a true fried will be there without trying to lead us astray from our values that come from God.  When you feel alone and isolated from the world look up to the mountains and see the God that is always there with you.

It is important for us to know that our God is our salvation.  When we are struggling we need to always remember that our keeper and strength is there with us.  When we let go of the control that we feel we need the keeper of our life can take charge. 

You will soon find that God is your salvation.  You will see that God is there carrying the weight of your burden.  You will find that God will help you get to where you need to be in your life.  You can get through the struggle your facing and come out renewed when you put your trust in the keeper of the stars.


We praise you oh God for you are mighty and strong.  We praise you for keeping us safe and secure in your arms.  Help us to always remember to give our struggles over to you.  Help us to remember that you are our watch tower in our life.  Help us to give ourselves over to you and allow you to work through us.  In the name of the almighty we pray.  Amen


Have you trusted in God today?  Are you feeling alone in the situation that you are in?  Have you asked God to help you?  Have you allowed God to work through you so that others may see the power of God’s love in this world?

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