
Sunday, September 7, 2014

God is the Refuge we need in our Life

Verses: Psalms 27 : 1 - 14

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

We are not to be afraid.  We are not to worry.  We are to pray and worship God.  God is our refuge when we are struggling.  God is our strength when we are weak.

What we have to understand is no matter what happens in this life we have a personal protector.  Those that accept Christ in their life have a strength that outweighs all fears and doubts.  The enemy may rise up against us but God will protect us and take away our worries.

Many people in today’s world are worried that they cannot make it day to day.  They stress because their finances are not where they want to be.  They worry over people that are causing them conflicts.  The stress of their job is pulling heavy on their heart.  They are so consumed with the way things are going on Earth that they are forgetting to rely on God.

As a Christian we do not walk alone.  In those moments that we are struggling God will be there carrying us.  In those moments when everyone has left us God is right there.  When we are afraid of what is around the bend God is there.  The problem is we allowing ourselves to feel the comfort of God.

It is hard for us to just let go.  When we hold on to our struggles we are allowing the enemy to take control of our life.  When we stress about the future without praying to God we are trying to handle it ourselves.  God wants us to pray so that our fears can be relieved.

Examine your life.  Is there a moment that you forgot to let go and let God.  Is there a time when things were so rough that you couldn’t imagine making it through it.  Is there a situation in which you felt the enemy was stifling your happiness.  In those times did you call on God.

I think back to that moment when Jesus was praying on the mount.  Jesus knew his destiny.  Yet, for one moment he cries out to God if there is any other way to do this.  If Jesus can call out to the creator in times of need why do we hold it in and try to fix it our self. 

David knew that God had gotten him through the hard patches of life.  When the enemy was coming he turned it over to God and was protected.  David knew that God was the only refuge he needed in his life.  God had helped him so much that he had learned to trust God.  Look at your life aren’t there times that God got you through something that you could not handle alone.  The arms of God are waiting to provide you refuge.  Is today the day you turn it over?


We praise you for the strength that you give us.  We honor you for the love that you show us.  We thank you for providing the refuge we need in our lives.  We offer up our hearts to you today.  Help us in our times of need?  Help us turn our struggles over to you.  In the name of Protector of Life we pray.  Amen


Is this what we do?  Think about the hardest situation that you are going through today.  Have you turned it over to God?  Are you taking refuge in the loving arms of the Creator?

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