
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

There are Two ways to Live your Life

Verses: Psalms 1 : 1 - 6

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

People do not realize that they have a choice to make on the way they live their life.  One way is to continue going down the path as a sinner.  The second is to accept Jesus in their life and go down the life of a forgiven man.

Those that stay on the path of sin will perish.  The gift of everlasting life will not be given to them.  Their life though it may seem as things are going well will in the end lose it all.

Those that follow Jesus will gain the gift of everlasting life.  Their life will be blessed.  They will be gifted through peace and other treasures.   Their gift is not what they can obtain on Earth but what they obtain within their spirit.

I want to point out that it is important if you choose to leave the life that follows Jesus you must truly live that kind of life.  Simply you have to tell others about Jesus.  People should be able to look at your life and tell that Jesus is the center point.  You have to walk with your eyes toward God.  You need to use the gifts of peace and love that God has shared with you.

There are so many people that claim to be Christians that do not live the life of a Christian.  Their actions contradict the ways of God.  They judge people.  They persecute people.  Their actions actually turn people away from God.  It is important that you utilize the gifts that are given.

Today I am convinced that people should reevaluate their life and determine if they can truly are living up to the expectations that being a Christian is.  I have been watching and seeing so many people that are getting hurt throughout the world by people that claim to be Christian.  Yet their way of life looks more like that of those that choose to be wicked.  Their hate has caused so many to want to run away from anything Christian.

So many young people are being influenced by these people.  They see people who are announcing that they are devout Christians persecuting people.  This makes them want to run away and hide.  They are choosing to distance themselves even if they do believe in Jesus.  The term Christian is slowly becoming a word that means hate to so many.

Christians that are truly living the ways of Jesus need to stand up and unite their voices.  They need to show the world that being a Christian means much more than judging others.  Our trees are standing strong and are full of fruit.  Yet, we must show people through our actions and deeds that being a Christian is a life changing experience that is worth it.


Dear God we offer our songs of praise to you.  We thank you for loving us no matter where we are in our life.  Help us to turn away from our wickedness.  Help us to be the people that you will be proud of.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Which path have you chosen?  Are you ready to live a life that brings glory to God?

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