
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Who is welcome at the Table

Verses: Luke 22 : 21 - 23

My thoughts about the verses:

To answer the question That is welcome at the table we must look at who was at the last meal.
There are many people that were at the table that would Jesus wrong in just a few short hours. Jesus knew everything that would happen.  Yet, he shared the meal with all the disciples.  Now think about this a second Jesus who knew all still shared the meal with all.

Jesus knew who would betray him.  Yet, he served the meal to Judas.  Judas probably understood more than the other disciples what the meal represented.  You can only imagine how shocked he is when Jesus tells them that one among them was going to betray him.  Yet, Jesus had just shared the last meal with him.  Jesus did not out Judas and tell him to leave because he didn't want him at his table.  Instead he opened it up and made Judas comfortable as he took the food.

Just think about that one second Jesus offered to Judas  the same freedom and cleansing that he offered everyone else at the table.  I have a feeling that we all have had moments that we felt that we were betraying God with our actions.  Yet, God doesn't stop us from receiving the gift that Jesus came to give us freely.

Not only was Judas at the table but also Peter was at the table that night.  Jesus knew that he would deny he even knew him.  That he would deny the existence of Jesus and the fact that he was a disciple.  Jesus served him the meal.  He gave Peter the same gift of freedom and forgiveness.  In our lives there are times that we deny knowing God.  We feel that if we tell our friends that we will be isolated and mocked.  Yet, Jesus still loves us.

Jesus knew that those that were partaking of the meal would hide.  Fear would overcome them and they would hide so they would not be identified with Jesus.  Even though Jesus knew this would happen he still offered them the meal that would remind them of their redemption.  We all have hidden in different closets afraid of sharing our identity.  We hide so that friends, family and co-workers would not mock us as being Christian.  Yet, Jesus meal is still there for us.

So just who is welcome at the table?  If all of the disciples would do something that would be a form of betrayal to Jesus was given the meal that can we stop from coming.  The meal is not created by us the meal is Jesus.  He is the one that went on the cross.  He prepared the meal therefor who are we to limit who can be at the table.

It is important as Christians that we do not deny anyone that has a relationship with God access to the table.  Amazingly many groups have created their own interpretation of just how the Lord's Supper is to take place.  Different Christians have determined who is worthy enough to get communion.  They think their way is the only way.  It is important to note that Jesus said that they all should drink of this cup. That they all should eat of the bread.   He did not pick and choose who could have the gift of the cleansing blood.  No one was denied the access of freedom that would come to those that would accept Jesus's death.  To stop someone from receiving this grace is against the very Biblical story that the meal represents.


Dear God thank you for choosing to love us.  Thank you for opening the table to all that accept you as their Savior.  Help us to never stop someone from partaking of the meal you have created. Be with us so that we do not judge others.  Jesus we offer our life to you.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Have you ever hidden who you are around people?  Have you denied knowing God?  Have you ever judged someone thinking that they did not deserve the gift that Jesus prepared for them? What must you do to today to be a witness of Jesus's love?  Who is welcome at the table?

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