
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Time to Stop Picking and Choosing the Laws to Follow

Verses: John 8 : 21 - 30

My thoughts about the verses:

Amazingly the people still were questioning where Jesus had come from.  When he said he was going someplace they could not go they even thought he was going to kill himself.  They did not understand that his death would be a sacrifice to allow them the opportunity to go to Heaven.  

To understand totally what was happening you have to understand some of the rules of Jewish law.  We often hear about these when people want to point out a group that they do not believe are justified to call themselves Christian.  Yet, some of the laws we break every day and if we had to live by Leviticus law as what was expected at this time we would never make it.  

Below is a group of the laws that many of us have probably broken in the last few days or weeks.  They come from the book of Leviticus chapter and verses are listed after each example.

  • Eating fat (3:17)
  • Eating an animal which doesn’t both chew cud and has a divided hoof(11:4-7)
  • Eating – or touching the carcass of – any seafood without fins or scales(11:10-12) 
  • Lying (19:11)
  • Mixing fabrics in clothing (19:19)
  • Trimming your beard (19:27)
  • Working on the Sabbath (23:3)
Simple question have you broken any of these laws?  Would you be able to live within these laws all the time.  I know that I have broken several of these and I am glad that the new covenant is now in place.  The new covenant established two basic laws.  That are much easier to follow and you can remember without having to look up each and every action that you do each day.  
  • To Love God with all of your heart and soul ( Matthew 22:37)
  • To love your neighbors the same as you love yourself (Matthew 22:38)
Now that we understand the basics of the old and new laws the story is easier to follow. Simply what Jesus was saying is that you are so concentrated on fulfilling all the old laws that you are missing what is right in front of your face.  you have expectations of a great King that will sweep in and destroy your enemy.  That you will be free from the rule of the Romans and you will reclaim Jerusalem.  When in all actuality the Messiah came to take away your sins so that you could live free from the old law.  The Savior came to free you from the sins that you commit each day so that you could reclaim your connection with God.

See it is impossible to live every day without breaking some rule.  There are many that try to stay within those boundaries.  Yet, when they break the rules they have to admit they have failed and ask for forgiveness.  This can occur several times in the same day.  When you accept the new covenant Jesus frees you from the bondage of sin.  

Does this mean you can sin freely?  Do you understand what happens when sins comes into your life? God passes over you.  The gift is everlasting life and love.  This changes the temperament of God. In the Hebrew scriptures God was a vengeful and demanding God.  One in which you must obey or face consequences.  This was to help the people grow and to survive in the conditions that they faced.  The new covenant brings forth a God of love and peace.  We have to understand that we have A God that forgives us and welcomes us no matter where we are.  The sacrifice of Jesus frees us from the burden that had been placed for the Jewish people to survive.  

Therefore those that accept Jesus in their life have accepted the new covenant.  No longer will there be a need for other sacrifices to clean us from our sins.  The ultimate sacrifice took place.  Jesus knew that he was returning to Heaven and those that believed in his fulfilling of the law would join him.  Jesus knew that these groups were not ready to accept that death because it had not yet occurred.  Yet, he was teaching the truth that would soon come to pass.  There were many that believed he was the Messiah that day because his teachings were a relief to the burden of the law.  Others did not follow that day, but would soon see that the sacrifice and fulfillment of the old covenant.  


Dear God we thank you for the sacrifice of your most beloved.  We thank you so much for the precious blood that cleanses us from our sins.  We ask that you help us live within the laws of the new covenant.  May we love you with all of our hearts.  May we treat our neighbors with love and respect.  May we put the needs of others before our own needs. Dear God we just offer up praises to you for giving us salvation from the sins we commit so that we may be in full connection with you.  In your Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Are you still trying to live within the Leviticus laws?  Do you pick and choose which laws you will obey?  Are you trying to save yourself by following the law have you missed what is right in front of your face?  Is it time to ask Jesus in your heart?  Have you fully given God all of your cares and allowed God to work through you?  Are you being a stumbling block or are you helping lead others to the saving grace of the new covenant?

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