
Monday, September 30, 2013

God has provided All that Accept a room of Peace

Verses: John 14 : 1 - 4

My thoughts about the verses:

One of my favorite scriptures because it promises the gift of everlasting life.  I know for me that it makes me feel so special that God is preparing my own place.  A Place that is special for me and me alone.  That God loves me so much that I will receive my special place in eternity.

This is an awesome thought if you think about it.  How many of us only dream of our own place? We desire a place where we can lay our head and rest without any fears.  Think of those times in your life when you struggled.  For many of us our secret place was the best place to be.  No worries, no anxiety just peace.  These were mini excursions from the reality that we were facing at the time.

Those secret places may not be an actual destination, but a safe place within us.  A place where we commune so closely with God that our soul finds the peace it desires.  I have learned a lot in the last few months as my body has changed and I am faced with a new way of life.  I have come to find that the peace I often needs come from reading different books.  Some of them are not your typical Christian novel, but they let my mind slip away to a place where limitations are not a reality.

I had heard a lot about the Rick Riordan's book about Percy Jackson.  I thought these would be great books for the Grand kids.  The series is about kids that find out that what they thought were limitations are actually gifts.  The books meant as much for me as it did the grand kids because it allowed my mind to explore new possibilities.  To realize that as my body was slowing down and there were times that my mind wasn't as clear I still had gifts to share.

I learned that I could turn my bad situation into a positive situation.  So my body isn't better but I am starting to find my peace.  Yet, it doesn't always mean I am super positive there are times I slip out of my peace zone.  When the limitations come slamming into me like a brick wall.  When that happens I get anxious, I start to fear the unknown.  But, God always has a way of snapping me back to my private place of peace.

We need to understand this simple lesson for today.  God is preparing us the perfect place that is all our own when we go to join Jesus.  Yet, God does not leave us while we are here on Earth.  Jesus promised that he would come back to show us the way.  When you are feeling at your lowest remember that the Holy Spirit dwells among us.  Those that have allowed the Holy Spirit in their hearts have a place that they can always go to receive the comfort and protection they need.  So in all things know that your Savior has not abandoned you.  You have a risen Savior that you can tell all your troubles to.


Dear God thank you for giving us places of peace here on Earth and in Heaven.  We ask that you be with us as we go through our day to day trials.  Help us feel your peace and comfort.  Thank you for choosing to die in our place so that we may live forever.  Thank you for rising from the grave and leaving our sins there.  We ask right now that the Holy Spirit surround us so that we may have the comfort that you have promised.  In your Holy Name we pray.  Amen

What do you do to find your safe place with God?  How can you allow God to fill your life?  Can you bring peace to someone who feels abandoned?  What do you do to have that alone time with Jesus?  Have you accepted Jesus in your life?  Is your room waiting for you?

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