
Friday, August 9, 2013

Jesus tells Nicodemus that you must be reborn of the spirit

You must be reborn 

Verses: John 3: 1-13

My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever seen a small bird that was just learning to fly.  It is amazing how they spread their wings and fly from the nest.  You can tell that this little guy was proud of his trip.  He was cooling his body in this nice little puddle.  He was cleansing himself from the impurities of the world.

This is something that we all need to do.  We need to wash our body in the spirit of God.  Cleanse ourselves from the impurities of the world.  The Holy Spirit is the one remedy that we need to make the rest of our life worthwhile.

Jesus's death on the cross occurred so that we could be cleansed from the sins we have done here on this earth.  We are cleansed in a puddle of water that will wash away the bad. As we dry from the cleansing the Holy Spirit enters us.  The old is gone and we are reborn with a freshness that will last throughout all eternity.

Nicodemus had a hard time understanding this because he was living in the time of Jesus's life on earth.  He saw the miracles understand that they were from the power of God.  Yet, he still could not understand how Jesus expected him to be reborn.  The concept was so far from the reality that he lived in that he could not fathom any way of being born again without an actual birth happening.

The difference between us and Nicodemus is that we now live in a time in which Christ has already has passed.  We too question the rebirth theory, but there are different reasons.  Our faith is only through total trust that the things of old actually occurred.  The trust is what true faith is built on. Nicodemus was also expected to totally trust that what Jesus was saying would come true.  He was being asked to put his trust in things he could not explain.


God we thank you for the cleansing spirit.  We thank you for the love that you so freely given.  We ask that you help us put our blind trust in you.  May we fully accept you into our lives.  We ask that you surround us with your loving arms as we take the next steps to get closer to you.  In you Holy name we pray.   Amen


Have you been reborn in the spirit of God?  Have you accepted all the gifts that God is offering you today?  Is today the day you change your future?  What have you held onto from the past that you need to turn over?

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